Added completion, logpoint, evaluateName and assignment evaluation support to nluarepl. With that it's nearing feature completion.
We’re excited to share the results of the @NGIZero funded independent #securityaudit of LibEuFin, GNU Taler’s core banking integration component, conducted by Radically Open Security. Check out our detailed response outlining how we’ve already addressed the findings!
Hello world! This is a human-maintained account for Nushell. Thanks Hachyderm for hosting us.
One way to introduce Nushell is using three "pillars" that form the core of the project:
1. Shell
2. Programming Language
3. Structured Data
1/N #nushell
A couple months back I wrote about interpreter support for nvim-dap that would turn it into a Lua REPL.
A demo looked like this:
I've now ditched that approach and instea d created a regular debug adapter that supports only expression evaluation - to achieve the same.
It's available under
New demo showing some more of the functionality:
@starfrosch stimmt da müsste das Komma gleich noch mindestens ein M nach hinten.
@starfrosch Es scheint mir etwas viel, aber man kann ja nie wissen. Oder überseh ich sonst noch was?
@starfrosch vergleichen wir hier gerade Leistung mit Energie?
@mathias I am a fan of the 'gow to draw with the left side of your brain' book. I guess its true that it helps to do something else using different regions of the brain. Sleep is just one possivility. A good one i guess.
@starfrosch ich glaube zwar an Physik, aber nicht an Beweise.
FreeCAD Version 1.0 Released
After more than twenty years of intense and sustained development, the FreeCAD community is proud to announce the release of version 1.0. FreeCAD 1.0 is now available for download on all platforms.
In software development, version 1 usually means: our software is now stable and ready for "real work". If you are a FreeC
#Announcement #Releases
@yorik works again
@yorik this blogpost is either veeery popular (which it should) or there is a technical issue.
I can't access it on different chanels.
The quick settings in #phosh got massively overhauled doing away with
the long press and nicer status pages (
➕ custom quick settings can now have status pages ➕ Phosh now also picks up the accent color if configured
( ➕ there's
a new Pomodoro timer quick setting ➕ We now save screenshots to screenshots folder ➕ More fixes to the
notification system, styling and other parts of the shell and the compositor
1/n looks interesting. Open hardware with 3D printable parts.
Anyone got experience with their products?
In case my current headphones ever fail me.
@hagen gilt wohl nur für die: "Spielt für mich jetzt auch keine Rolle mehr" Fraktion.
@spencer i would print big 'washers' if you will. So that they fill the holes and create a distance for screws.
@monsieuricon take your time
@quinn AI is just statistics about stuff we already know. Who would expect something magic from it? I dont get it.
FOSS enthusiast
Table tennis coach and player
ex. Mechanical engineer at some company doing some IT lately.
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