@randomgeek thats why I was asking ;-). This reads just like english, love it.
btw jq is cheating :-D
@randomgeek may I request a oneliner in #bash just for comparison?
@ThatGuyMatus no luck still, both.
@ThatGuyMatus there must be something wrong with that url, i can't access it
@chaostreffbern gibt es das vokal lokal nicht mehr?
@marius könnt ich vielleicht helfen, Zollgebühr CH-DE weiss ich halt nicht. Oder bist mal in der Schweiz?
@alavi @thibaultamartin didn't search long, but here seems to be an explanation in english quite ok:
So to keep wasps and other stuff away, its actually good to have them. Except when your alergic of course, or when theyr habitat interferes directly with humans. Which would give them a reason to attack.
@alavi @thibaultamartin aren't hornets actually usefull? I mean if not really inside the house, but around.
@starfrosch wow that sums it pretty much up as chaotic as i would have done it myself.
@starfrosch morgen bitte etwas melancholischer wenns geht 🥸
Ever unsure about which #IFC class and predefined type to assign to your elements? The free resource by #IfcOpenShell and the #BlenderBIM Add-on has been updated with a more powerful search and support for #IFC4X3: https://blenderbim.org/search-ifc-class.html
It can now search for multiple keywords, includes docs for predefined types, and multi schema search.
#FreeCAD #BIM update 19 - Yorik's blog https://yorik.uncreated.net/blog/2024-005-freecad-news-19
@vimja schaffs leider nicht :-(, viel Spass
#FreeCAD #BIM update 17 - Yorik's blog https://yorik.uncreated.net/blog/2024-003-freecad-news-17
phosh 0.37.0 is out 🚀📱:
- Wi-Fi selection via quick settings
- Build custom quick settings via plugins
- Caffeine quick settings
- Support fractional-scale-v1 protocol
- Updated #squeekboard layouts
- Improved Sound file and favorites selection
- Hardware specific pages in Tour
- Support notches of 16 more phones
- Support trie predictor in p-o-s
- Support more emojis in p-o-s
Check out the full release notes at https://phosh.mobi/releases/rel-0.37.0/
#FreeCAD #BIM update 16 - Yorik's blog https://yorik.uncreated.net/blog/2024-002-freecad-news-16
@chaostreffbern Das wird mein erster Besuch in einem Hackerspace :-) .
@UmWerker I use fugitive for simple git operations. Just do a capital G and the rest is the same.
I rarely have complex stuff, so cant talk about lazygit and such.
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