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marc0s boosted
marc0s boosted

Airports are increasingly becoming a hub of personal data collection. When opting out of these data collection programs is nearly impossible and air travel is nearly unavoidable, that's a problem.

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El artículo sobre #Glovo en @argia ahora en castellano en El Salto #kappitalismoa

Sí no puediste leerlo en euskera no te lo pierdas ahora: Tres meses infiltrado en Glovo

marc0s boosted
I'm seeing this Firefox thing happening in Tor browser. Someone at Mozilla has fucked up bigtime and is exposing a lot of users to security problems. The fact that this is so centralized is also an architectural weakness.
marc0s boosted

pro tip: refer to any clock you own as "my time machine"

marc0s boosted

A animal with a history of abuse will often flinch when a well-meaning new owner tries to pet it. It takes a lot of time and effort to rebuild trust and security.

The emotional damage in the community from decades of abuse by exploitative companies isn't acknowledged nearly enough, and is hard to overcome.

marc0s boosted

Google headlining “Digital Wellbeing” festival, major whitewashing of surveillance capitalism going on right now.

If you want to help me call bullshit on this on birdsite, RTs etc. welcome:

#SurveillanceCapitalism #Google #FuckGoogle #whitewashing #privacywashing #privacy #HumanRights

Hey dear , any FLOSS web application for hosting you're aware of? Thanks! cc

marc0s boosted

First letter send from prison by Ola Bini, published by his girlfriend.

"To me, privacy is something that is absolutely necessary for human beings to be free and the rise of surveillance is threatening this to the core"

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According to @Washingtonpost, Oregon police are broadly using Amazon’s “Rekognition” face recognition tech—even for the lowest level crimes—but they won’t disclose it in arrest reports so suspects & defendants don’t know about it, & its use isn’t audited.

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the four horsemen of the apocalypse
1. "actually php is not that bad"
2. "actually c memory managment is fine, you just need to be careful"
3. "memory leaks are solved by killing the worker every X requests"
4. "rewrite it in rust"
marc0s boosted

On this International Worker's Day, ask your friendly American friends if they have ever heard of the Haymarket affair.


(This is the Haymarket memorial in Chicago, and the two American friends who happened to be with us when I took the picture had not heard of it.)

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"Most people want to opt-in to what they want to follow, be that a news feed, a celebrity, a friend, or family. Most people do not want to be force-fed a constant stream of manipulated content to catch and keep their attention."

Puto futbol s'ha dit ja? Posar a dormir els nens amb els energúmens del bar de baix cridant com marrecs és una mica difícil

marc0s boosted

The more I think about it, the more I like the idea behind LibremOne from @purism. We, the decentralized internet advocates, are quite far with the tech. What we desperately need is a touch of marketing, bundling, and consumer-friendliness. #LibremOne is doing exactly that. Bravo, and I hope them the very best of success.

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What did we say to Albin?
Not Today.

What did we say to Eunomia?
Not Today.

What do we say to failing tests?
Not Today.


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that seems to be irelevant to the critic.
framasoft, to make a counter example as everything as "their" software stack, incl. having every service they offer branded as "frama..." and still explain what software they use to do so, educate and sometimes aso help to fund it's development.

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#framasoft is an organisation that works on education, development, funding and hosting of #freesoftware.

For their hosting they have their own software stack, and branded them as frama...

For every service they offer, they explain what software they have used to do so.
They do this also when they changed parts of the code and when they have their own branding.

Sometimes they also help to fund the development as they did for #peertube.

That's the kind of freesoftware culture I love!

and see, how much they have to offer:

While I publicly applaud and support the efforts from @purism to deploy and run services' platform, I think there are some valid concerns that need some public clarification: upstream projects not explicitly mentioned (not everybody will go check commits sent upstream) or features explicitly removed that hurt interoperability (mastodon reports or public/fed timeline) to name two. IMHO if that information is not ready/curated, public launch should have been delayed.

marc0s boosted

LibremSocial és Mastodon però capat. No té ni línia de temps local ni línia de temps federada. No es poden fer missatges directes.
No entenc què pretenen els de Purism amb un Social que no ho és.

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