marc0s boosted

Com s'emplenen les línies de temps Inici, Local i Federada?
Com federa un servidor Mastodon?

He fet la versió #catalana del diagrama creat en anglès per @cassolotl


marc0s boosted

⚡ Android users, are you ready for our mobile app beta?

If this post gets 1k+ boosts in the next 24 hours we will release the android beta this week!

Help us gauge interest so we can better prioritize our focus!

#pixelfedApp #android

marc0s boosted

Aquesta és la temperatura mitjana del mar Català i Balear (línia verda). Continua molt per sobre del que hauria de ser normal per aquesta època (línia negra). Per comparació la del darrer any amb onades de calor marines molt grans (2003, línia porpra) #Mediterranean #climatecrisis #heatwaves

marc0s boosted

Si a algú entrar a Mastodon li ha obert la gana de més software lliure, aquest recurs està molt bé (és un llistat d'alternatives a apps i programes que utilitzem habitualment):

marc0s boosted

Hey new people and those thinking of joining, you do NOT need to sign up on huge servers!

You can follow and interact with people on any server from any server, the servers are connected.

It would really, really help the network right now if you could sign up on medium or small size servers. You will still be able to follow and interact with whoever you want, and the network as a whole will work much better.

A good safe place for beginners to find servers to join is

marc0s boosted

Doncs jo crec que estaria molt bé crear una "comunitat" al voltant de per garantir-ne la sostenibilitat econòmica i tècnica. Una "comunitat" activa pot ser una garantia de continuïtat i un element que pot fer que més gent aposti per aquesta eina. Aquí ho deixo!

Morning! At some near future this account will be moved to a self hosted instance: @marcos If you wanna keep following me, you can already do so to the new account 🙂

Bon dia! En algun moment proper aquest compte es mourà a una instància pròpia: @marcos Si vols continuar seguint-me, pots fer-ho ja al nou compte 🙂

marc0s boosted

I was afraid for a moment. The real zlib is still up.

marc0s boosted

5,898,352 accounts
+2,360 in the last hour
+37,963 in the last day
+207,316 in the last week

marc0s boosted

Instance admins should have a Patreon tier called the Twi-tier at $8.

marc0s boosted

suggestion: hashtags are important here. please use “Camel Case” so screen readers understand what the words are and can pronounce them properly. example:

#DogsOfMastodon not #dogsofmastodon

make sense??

marc0s boosted

Remember, remember
The Fifth of Migrember
And birdsite's Musk-induced, swift flop

I know of no reason
Why the bird-leaving season
Should ever be forgot!

marc0s boosted
marc0s boosted

Finances de

Any: 2022

Pagaments: 425.97€
Donacions: 496.23€

Balanç: 70.26€

Objectiu assolit: 116.49%

Cost del servidor: 32.66€ (mensual)
Cost del domini: 32.05€ (anual)

marc0s boosted

Kaixo! Pentsatu dozue agian sortzea konturik? -k, adibidez, egin dau jada. Eta beste lekuko medio batzuk nola edo egin dabe bebai.

marc0s boosted



New: General Mills, Audi, Pfizer and VW all put their Twitter ads on pause. This is turning into a huge debacle for


I think I need help reaching out to whoever manages this instance at . Please, , can anyone help me? Appreciated!

marc0s boosted
marc0s boosted

Start of XMPP Providers Website 🚀

It’s Your Choice!

Are you looking for an XMPP provider that suits you? There is this new website now based on the data of XMPP Providers. XMPP Providers offers a curated list of providers and tools for filtering them, creating badges and more.

#xmpp #chat #registration

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