@nixCraft WebP includes a lossy and lossless algorithm, which are completely different and separate. Why cram both in the same file format? If the use case in practice only requires one or the other type, as most use cases do, half of WebP is unnecessary.
Want to re-implement WebP? You have to implement both algorithms. Way harder, than, say, re-implementing simple but effective PNG that just does one thing well.
I'd rather upgrade to backward-compatible PNGX. https://mooncore.eu/bunny/txt/pngx-eval.htm
С вертушки? 🤔
> destroyed a lot of archival opportunities
Shouldn't be too bad if they claim it still works from residential IP-addresses 🤷
— Our nuclear blackmail doesn't seem to be effective anymore 😟
— Let's start talking about blowing stuff up on TV! 😈
— Doesn't appear to work, they probably got used to that already 😖
— Okay, let's blow something up for real then! 🫡
— But what if they start perceiving us as a greater threat and do something about it? 😱
— Don't worry, we'll do it in our own backyard 😏
— Did that work? 😵💫
#kater verfolgt einen Schmetterling #caturday #caturdayeveryday #catsofmastodon #cat #cats #katerliebe #katerleben
Check out C&C3 at 2560x1600 — it looks amazing 🤩
Even C&C2 feels different at 1280x1024 — it was designed for 640x480 or 800x600 I think.
Does it not?🤔
There is even a "pm" command for it, I think…
Firewire Maintainer Is Looking For Help Testing IEEE-1394 Devices On Linux 6.12
Too late — most machines that I'm interested in working FW on, have lots of other issues: my PowerPC MacMini has some weird issue with memory not being freed with kernels newer than 6.1 😩
Would be great to get Firewire iSight working on that machine — but alas, it doesn't appear to be possible: there are no libraries supporting the new subsystem: http://www.appliedcarbon.org/isightlinux.html
А чем старая-то была плоха? Уже 20 лет работает — почти без сбоев 😏
Lagrange v1.18: TUI and Misfin — https://gmi.skyjake.fi/gemlog/2024-09_lagrange-1.18.gmi
Development of version 1.18 has been a slow burn. Over the past year, I've been putting finishing touches on the Curses-based TUI variant and adding support for new Gemini-adjacent protocols. A number of bugs were fixed as well, and I've made several minor improvements in the user interface.
I expect most of these to be former military or retired law enforcement, who want to win the war at any cost, but making personal sacrifice. Maybe some of those are mothers who have lost their sons and now want revenge. The majority was never willing to join the army ranks — that is precisely why Pooteen does his best for this war to seem to them as something that only happens on TV.
> the number of those ready to go to the front
I'm not sure what's in the original data, but Moscow Times puts it differently, https://www.moscowtimes.ru/2024/09/20/rekordnoe-chislo-rossiyan-vistupili-zazavershenie-voini-bez-dostizheniya-tselei-putina-a142812
They say that 29% support the new wave of mobilisation. This does not necessarily mean that they imagine themselves being a part of it.
TBH, I used to quite hate Nokias before Lumia and was a huge fan of modern "slate" form factor, didn't even own many phones before original iPhone was introduced — the idea of having more screen space when you don't need any input was good.
But "everything is an app" and modern web becoming an utter clusterfuck makes me reassess some of my views😅
Женское? Решил сам стать той девочкой, что пойдёт к Голгофе русской? 🤭
Just in case: DMs/PMs simply don't exist on this instance as concept — don't use them, use the other instance if you absolutely have to, or send an email to any address at m0xEE.Net or .Com or .Org, but I prefer keep most communication public.