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📻 ROUND V - Phase 1 - match 11/13

Which one is the best progressive rock album?

🔊 Mike Oldfield, Tubular Bells (1973)
🔊 Frank Zappa, ‘The Grand Wazoo’ (1972)

➡️See pinned post on profile for the tournament rules

:mastodon: Please 𝗕𝗢𝗢𝗦𝗧


#KingusMusicTournaments #MusicTournament #ProgressiveRock #ProgRock #KMTPoll #Music #MikeOlfield #FrankZappa

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m0xEE boosted

most of the DEC Alphas that ran production for SDF.ORG since 1999 are still around. what should we do about this in 2025? #server #retrocomputing #64bit #isp #vintagecomputing

m0xEE boosted

You can subscribe to my uncensored open-source musings on OpenFans

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m0xEE boosted
m0xEE boosted

Wait, what? By using #Firefox, I now grant Mozilla "a nonexclusive, royalty-free, worldwide license to use" any data I "upload or input"? That seems, uhm, rather broad. Wtf.

I want my old Mozilla back.


I mean yes, it does look like a climbing wall, but at this height it's probably not fun even for a 6 year old and for 4 y.o. coming rolling down even from this heigh can be traumatising.

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You never see me at the mushroom grove? It's you whom we haven't seen there in quite a while! Check out what we have now — it's a giant blue nipple with snoots on it, so where are you at?

(no, seriously WTF is this shit, I went out for a walk, I was NOT asking for a DOI trip!)

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m0xEE boosted
Holy shit this is rad! :akkoaww:


TL;DR the dude replaces the insides of his iMac G4 with new stuff including the screen.

cc @m0xee
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🗣️ #Trump on Tuesday floated the idea of replacing a visa program for foreign investors with a so-called "gold card" that could be bought for $5 million as a route to American citizenship.

He added it is possible Russian oligarchs could qualify for the gold cards 🤦


#usa #russia

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