Well, Windows malware is still a thing, I have daily back ups of Windows partitions set up on this machine, but restoring them isn't as easy and fast as restoring VM from a snapshot — that is why I didn't go the route of disabling the updates entirely.
@kravietz @koteisaev
Ah, found it! In the back of one of the bookshelves… next to 12 tomes of Stalin printed in 1946 😱
I wonder where did that shit come from…
I should probably sell it to some hardcore fan of his for a generous share of his/her capitalist bucks instead of just throwing it away 🤑
My dudes 🐸🥂🐸
Well, yes, I did… But god damn it, stealing a book? Cannot believe it! 🤣
I've deferred quality updates on my only Windows 10 machine till 2035 — to prevent getting it infected with COPilot, and only install Defender threat DB updates 😂
I did that by messing with the registry — it involved making some of the keys non-writable, but I don't remember the exact key names.
@lgbuijs @randahl
Also, NKVD cap had blue top, or green for the border guard kind — would be a good idea to use that if he wants her to look scary, because right now she looks rather like a flight attendant for a company that for some odd reason uses hammer and sickle for logo — than a "dictator" of any sort 😂
> По неподтверждённым данным, одним из узников лагеря в Новой Каледонии может стать основатель Telegram Павел Дуров.
Обязательно ни в коем случае! Требую немедленно вернуть украденное обратно в КГБ! 😠
WHO-backed meta-study finds no evidence that cellphone radiation causes brain cancer: https://www.theregister.com/2024/09/04/who_study_cellphone_cancer/
I wonder how do they explain TikTok's rise to popularity then? 🤔
🎶 But I'm a creep, I'm a weirdo — what the hell am I doing here? I don't belong here!
That thing?
@admitsWrongIfProven @Hyolobrika
> You project
Force? Aircraft carriers and shit?! Cool!!! 🤩
No, dad, no! 😱
"Hello there, how are you" is the line I use when testing pens 😂
I wonder how common that is?
Don't forget to switch those you hate early — problem solved 😏
@kravietz @koteisaev
That's a good book! I used to have it in printed form, but I haven't seen it on any of my bookshelves in quite a while, and I don't remember lending it to anyone, I wonder where did it go…🤔
@th3rdsergeevich @neural_meduza
Как тебе такое, Илон Маск?! А… ну да… 😅
Just in case: DMs/PMs simply don't exist on this instance as concept — don't use them, use the other instance if you absolutely have to, or send an email to any address at m0xEE.Net or .Com or .Org, but I prefer keep most communication public.