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I'm using the same setup everywhere, including computers with BT2.1+EDR — it works, only on this one it doesn't.
It's like the speaker doesn't detect a2dp-source and audio gateway service on the computer, but they are there — bluealsa provides them, I can see them listed.
I think that "MultiProfile" setting *might* have something to do with it, so I'll give it a try tomorrow.


It's a good idea actually, but these GUI things usually bring in TONS of dependencies, besides, I don't think think it would don anything I didn't try. I've literally tried everything in the book — even the legacy hcitool route to no avail. I have an interactive agent running I get to the point of entering the PIN, I know it is correct as when I enter the wrong one it fails, but with the correct one the pairing stalls and times out in about a minute.


Yeah, worth a try. It used to work long ago when Bluetooth LE didn't even exist and the whole stack was way simpler, maybe bluez attempts to do with this adapter things it doesn't support and fails. I can pair it with phones and other computers, BT input devices even, but audio seems to pose an issue for some reason 🤷

Если всё равно просыпаться сонным, так может уже и пивка выпить? Ну, чтобы с похмельем 🤪

I have an old ThinkPad T43, which has a really old BT adapter and I can't make it paid with a Bluetooth speaker every other device is able to use. I was going to give up: it's indeed old after all, but I have to try this first! Thanks!

For real?! 😧
He thanked the ones who started taking people hostages in order to exchange for his goons and killed one of them, whom he simply couldn't let go?

OMG, @protonprivacy has added support for WireGuard over TCP and WG over TLS (branded Stealth) to their Windows software!
And the changelog entry for such game changer version is "Bug fixes and performance improvements" — very descriptive 🤦
The source for this isn't yet available on their GitHub, but I hope it will soon. But what I'm interested in most is their fork of wireguard-go that works on normal non-Android Linux-systems so I can run it on my proxy and stop using my phone as a VPN box.

m0xEE boosted

Cover it with at least six layers of electric tape 😈

@thatguyoverthere @kirby @prettygood
The eels can at least call firemen if your house catches fire to return the favour ☝

m0xEE boosted
m0xEE boosted

It's funny to see people come here from birdsite and be like, "wow, it's hard to get followers, and engagement is so low!" Yeah! Welcome to Fedi! You don't come here to grow your audience, you come here to see what your art/nerd/weirdo community is getting up to.

@kirby @prettygood
Does water make your cellphone magically get Conversations?
Does air make your cellphone have Element? 🤔

Yeah, some indication is fine — back in the days there even a tiny dialog popped up if you were being redirected to HTTP from HTTPS page.
That is perfectly fine to give a warning, what I'm generally against is computers guessing what I want as if they know better 😄

You are right of course, for some this is the result of their own actions and they have to hit rock bottom to start getting their shit together and returning to stability, there are even those who are outright parasites to the society despite not really being wealthy, but I thinks such cases are pretty rare compared to the number of people who go into poverty due to shortcomings of the economic system. Inequality is actually a pretty important metric IMO.


Gemini came with TLS baked it, but soon it became obvious that in some scenarios encryption only gives overhead with no benefits. So people came up with Guppy and another one that I can't recall the name of. It's okay to transmit some things in plain text — if you are aware of it working this way of course 😉

Yes, that's the thing, you may want to also set browser.fixup.fallback-to-https to false if you want it to fail with an error if the website is not responding on HTTP instead of attempting to redirect you to HTTPS, but it's not that important.
I have nothing against HTTPS, I'm against enforcing it everywhere even when you know precisely what you're doing.

Firefox 129 Now Available With HTTPS Replacing HTTP As Default Protocol:

"…most websites are defaulting these days to promoting HTTP connections to HTTPS anyhow"
Why do you guys do this shit then? The ones who want their visitors to use HTTPS have ways to do that, those who don't — they don't want that. I've been disabling this "HTTPS by default" thing for years — with the way FF became, I'm not even sure they have left this option. Another reason to not update! 😩

What's up with stonks today?
Okay, I'm interested enough to open up the news 😅

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