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m0xEE boosted
m0xEE boosted

Does anyone know if there's a #DEC #Alpha disassembler for #ghidra? It's not supported by default. Alternatively, is there a guide on how to write Ghidra extensions?

I have a 30 year old binary I would love to take a closer look at...

Einsturzende Neubauhaus — архитектурный стиль позднего Путинизма.

I wonder how long it takes them to realise that these aren't minor deficiencies and that their whole system is built around corruption, that people take these positions precisely for bribes kickbacks and thing otherwise outside of their normal income and that if they start fighting corruption for real, soon they would run out of people willing to fill management positions.

@waltercool @Zettour @Zergling_man
What are the major differences? The way I see it, LibreWolf just comes with saner defaults, if you already have all the telemetry disabled in FF, there no point in switching. Right now I'm using normal FF 124 from Void repos, but with an option to disable WebPee patched back in. Later versions break my UI customisations, I use userChrome.css to modify its UI quite heavily, so I stopped updating, and now that they have added the ad thing, this makes no sense.

* Захватить Москву и бросить там своего коня 🐴


@schappi @kaia
A fake motivational book about selling fake motivational books? Never before seen level of recursion 😁

Google is threatening to kill Firefox if we do not surrender:
We have to act now and start bombing their infrastructure to save the world!

@Rezard @apropos
Salmon-flavoured shower gel is a good name for an experimental electronics album.

@JoseMariaHDZ I think that's exactly what those Black Gate capacitors in my amps did 😢

Oh, come on, make in a sequel to the original C&C timeline that ended with a cliffhanger in C&C4: Brotherhood of Nod gets ascend^Wisekai'd into the world of Scrin, but they aren't the master-race they were assumed to be — they actually suck: they are frail and get ruined with sonic beams. And GDI follows them soon!
AFAIK EA failed to deliver on the continuity of this timeline, but you can!
And I think C&C3 engine that both: RA3 and C&C4 games are based on, still looks impressive.

I've always been hating them when they were common and wanted everyone to adopt DVI in one way or another, but now that everything became just USB-C and you're not even sure if your particular device would work with this particular port, I kinda even miss them 😄


Different strokes for different blokes 🤷
This is definitely no the most obscene coding style I've seen in my life. TBH I even hate the Pythonic 4-space tab — but they are good, they have defined this shit in a PEP, so there is nothing I can do, I have to comply.

@kirby @anemone
He very well might be — the most devout racists a very often… not exactly white 😂

That's really cool! I'm a huge fan of the series!
I think I still haven't seen what came out in 2019 though — because I used to have a tradition of rewatching everything when something new was coming out, but after all there years and seasons, it became a rather lengthy endeavour 😂
Well, it look like now is the time to do it again, good!

That is really bad! I'm not even American, I'm Russian — I don't have a say in US politics, but his promise to deliver Russia-Ukraine peace "in just a few days" makes me shudder at the thought of him winning.
I had my doubts — maybe he has a different vision of this "peace" now, European leaders were doing lots of stupid things in order to appease Pooteen, but even they have given up. But after this… No — same old Trump, attempting to look cool by being friendly with the dictator 😩

m0xEE boosted

Is this Nadeko Sengoku?
Is this something new? I don't remember her in this outfit 🤔

Have a cup of hot warm milk!
It you aren't lactose-intolerant of course.

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