Yep, on my way to the store already. To buy myself a new phone just to deal with the CloudFlare thing… That is some truly insane shit! Isn't this thing supposed to be transparent?
They should at least drop the premise of providing valuable advice with this "Update your browser, here is how…" thing, the ones seeing such messages most often have genuine reasons for not being able to do that.
Oddly enough, there is even an unofficial, but full-featured Bull Skype client for Windows 10 Mobile, but no one bothered to make even a minimal client for Fedi. Mastodon web does not work in the old Edge since… forever. I've seen the sources of something that is supposed to work on GitHub, but there are no builds available and I'm not sure it really does. Bloat works and works well, but… you still have to host it somewhere.
My cat is sleeping beside me on the bed, he's not as intrusive as he often is, he's just curled up among the pillows nearby, I dig it!
My other cat:
And she's not in it for the mouse cursor as I originally thought — there's no action there, but she's been sitting like that for 10 minutes or so straight, just watching the log lines scroll by… Do #cats actually enjoy the console? 😹
China looks to enhance soybean industry cooperation with Russia:
Literally… 😏
So, it's not #bleptober as I originally mistakenly believed, but #bleptember 😸
Can we have another hit then?
He can look both: silly and elegant — even with his tongue sticking out.
Just in case: DMs/PMs simply don't exist on this instance as concept — don't use them, use the other instance if you absolutely have to, or send an email to any address at m0xEE.Net or .Com or .Org, but I prefer keep most communication public.