You never see me at the mushroom grove? It's you whom we haven't seen there in quite a while! Check out what we have now — it's a giant blue nipple with snoots on it, so where are you at?

(no, seriously WTF is this shit, I went out for a walk, I was NOT asking for a DOI trip!)

Is snac2 giving me a… roman salute?

hOyL hOyTlAr 🫠

Original Evangelion: OMG, a cult classic! 😍
Guilty Crown: Pf-f-ft! It's so overrated! 😤

I mean… WHY?!
For emotional response they both exploit the perpetually depressed protagonist who strives for something humane, but gets manipulated by everyone around him, but as unoriginal as it is — sometimes to the point of obvious visual references, it's still an entertaining show. GC at least doesn't fall apart entirely towards the end, and remains consistent both in terms of writing and animation 🤷

Oh, fuck this! I'm downgrading to ESR 115!
Is there a way I can have up-to-date Firefox without having to patch to option to disable WebP support back it? 🤬
I wonder if there are ESR 115 builds for Android… 🤔

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