Oh my, I was going to export my UBO settings, edit them and import it back in — for some reason I can't set custom accent colour in the GUI and can only choose from a set of predefined ones.
I'm using Acode to edit files right on my phone — it's a really neat app BTW. Problem is… It doesn't launch! I've spent minutes staring at its animated splash screen. Looks like it got broken by a recent update too, goddammit! 🤯
Even clearing the cache and app data didn't help — let's downgrade it too.
Are you guys all right there?
I just want to export my room keys, import them into gomuks and DELETE this file — I'm not going to store it anywhere, why should this passphrase have any complexity requirements at all? 😲
Please don't follow the worst practices of so-called "Big Tech" and make those who know precisely what they are doing jump through extra hoops — give a warning, in huge red letters if you must, but give me a "feck off, I know what I'm doing!" button please.
I knew that it's Logitech that makes mice for HP, but I've always thought that the design is at least original, well, at the very least that tactile pattern, but…
I mean, it's still different: the form, the magnetic top lid — some other Logitech mice have it BTW, but not this model, HP's is bluetooth-only, unlike the "original", still… I'm rather disappointed, HP could've been more peculiar.
The herd of unsuspecting herbivores were looking to satisfy their munchies when they inadvertently chomped down on a hefty stash of medical cannabis growing in a nearby greenhouse.
A Greek news outlet quoted Yannis Bourounis, owner of the farm, who told a local radio producer: "They found green stuff to eat," before adding that the sheep were "jumping higher than goats, which never happens."
Sheep sure appreciate bouncing fun 🤣🐑
Can we get back to your being dramatic a bit later? Trying to get some sleep here! 😾
#cat #cats #catuesday
Damn, my cats are unsuitable for artistic enactments — they look the same 😹
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