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This looks pretty cool for raising awareness... would love any feedback.

Right now in so-called Montreal
Action in solidarity with Gidimt'en and Likhts'amisyu land defenders

Discussed the key role coops play in Nordic democratic socialism and how coops help explain the rise and decline of the labour movement.

Also present some thoughts on how to revitalise coop organising by campaigning in credit union, mutual insurance and pension fund board and trustee elections to get them to redirect their massive pools of capitals into funding new coops, especially in the tech sector.

Given Trumps past history with people taking Trump to court, this is going to be very interesting. I'm not sure if Trump's going to even comply with the results of a court case or any kind of licence enforcement.
RT @IlvesToomas
Ripping off open source software is the apotheosis of Trumpism

There's something wrong with saying, "Happy Birthday", to the dead. IMHO, "was born on this day" is much better.

People shouldn't have to unlock their phones for police. We’ve fought for that principle in courts across the country, and the fight continued this week in Utah.

Is your school forcing you to use Zoom, Skype, or other proprietary videoconferencing software to learn or teach? That's a violation of your educational rights. Support #FreeSoftware

Life's for the living, not competing. Relax; take it easy; take a hit.

Listening to a younger friend talk about their child's grades starting to slip. Really couldn't bring myself to say, "So, they're starting to see through the bullshit!".

Can we just kill everybody and start over? Oh wait! That's what we're already trying to do!

Adaptive version of running on on the . This is still a work in progress, some issues still need to be solved before releasing this. But again; “hey it’s progress” :D.
Credits to @KekunPlazas fr his work on this.

Once again my #coop is hiring:

We do open data stuff for public good. This role in particular is focussed on beneficial ownership data analysis and standards development, but internally there's a lot of flexibility about what you work on and we have a variety of ongoing projects. It's particularly fun to do transparency and anti-corruption stuff though.

We have flat pay, are all remote, mostly UK-based, mostly part time, extremely flexi, and always looking for new ways to improve our wellbeing.

There's a birdsite thread with more info here: (which I might recreate on here later).

#coopjobs #cooplife

In case you missed it. Google Play may be about to do something unethical to Termux. Suggestion is to back up now, uninstall the Google Play version to stop them uploading a destructive stub, and reinstall from F-Droid.

Neither Front Porch Forum nor Pantip get the headlines of a Facebook—but not because they're unsuccessful forums. In this installment of our series on the Public Interest internet, we talk about why localized services matter.

The Marin County Sheriff uses automated license plate readers to track the movements of drivers, and shares its database with hundreds of out-of-state and federal agencies, including ICE.

Now, community activists are suing over this illegal data sharing.

Purism's App Developer, Dorota Czaplejewicz shows how she used PulseAudio to play sounds from the laptop on her 📢

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