Anyone from the US who has ever spent a considerable amount of time in a country with a more "traditional" culture will know exactly what this guy is talking about. Those who have spent their entire lives in first world, Western societies though, may have a hard time understanding this. Pretty much any time I've tried to point out the downsides of being WEIRD to a fellow American leftist, they react hella defensively.
We release today a full english version of our video about the floods in south of the territories occupied by the brazilian state: Disaster Has a Name: Capitalism, narrated by @franklinlopez
All of us who blocked Threads when they announced fediverse integration saw this.
We told you so.
Latest comic: A second Revolution?
#uspol #elections #fascism #authoritarianism #democracy #election2024
Another great farm day, farmer Dan made an effort to teach us new things like how to operate his Jang precision seeder and how to make compost tea from worm casings, kelp, and rock phosphorous. Good conversation about C Factor, too, and the importance of drawing on our accumulated experiences of solidarity.
The chief dingus has some amendments to his cronies' Project 2025.
Garry Tan, a literal Christofascist, is a top sponsor of the "new" San Francisco Democrats. #sfPol
Read more in Peter Marshall's "Demanding the Impossible: A History of Anarchism," which Noam Chomsky says "is the book I always recommend when asked—as I often am—for something on the history and ideas of anarchism.”
Peter Marshall: “The continued appeal of anarchism can probably be attributed to its enduring affinity with both the rational and emotional impulses lying deep within us. It is an attitude, a way of life as well as a social philosophy. It presents a telling analysis of existing institutions and practices, and at the same time offers the prospect of a radically transformed society.
Above all, it holds up the bewitching ideal of personal and social freedom, both in the negative sense of being free from all external restraint and imposed authority, and in the positive sense of being free to celebrate the full harmony of being. Whatever its future success as a historical movement, anarchism will remain a fundamental part of human experience, for the drive for freedom is one of our deepest needs and the vision of a free society is one of our oldest dreams. Neither can ever be fully repressed; both will outlive all rulers and their States.”
@largess @_noelamac_ @meltedcheese @weaselx86 @Sheril
Human beings are the only species ignoring its own risk of extinction because it wasn't cost effective from the point of view of the rich.
‘Greenwashing colonialism’
Construction of Europe’s biggest wind farm in the Fosen Peninsula began in 2016. A total of 151 wind turbines and 131km (81 miles) of new roads and power cables are now spread across the winter pastures for local reindeer herders and were placed there without the consent of local Sami. via @susurros
I have been working on this for the past two months, after growing increasingly concerned about the influence this industry is trying to exert. Did you know crypto companies have spent more this cycle than the oil or pharmaceutical industries, despite being a small fraction of the size?
So this, from Firefox, is fucking toxic:
You might be aware Chrome— a browser made by an ad company— has been trying to claw back the limitations recently placed on ad networks by the death of third-party cookies, and added new features that gather and report data directly to ad networks. You'd know this because Chrome displayed a popup.
If you're a Firefox user, what you probably don't know is Firefox added this feature and *has already turned it on without asking you*
AOC is impressive. or
And about half of SCOTUS is decidedly not.
I posted an article over at the Daily Kos:
"We Are All Trapped in a Teenage Romantic Comedy"
Meanwhile, the company calling itself AT&T admits that that the data it held about basically EVERY MOBILE CUSTOMER was taken by hackers.
Executives belong in jail, but they'll get even bigger amounts of loot because there is no accountability. Zero.
And Congress -- you can mostly blame the Republicans for this -- does absolutely nothing to protect us or punish this kind of willful incompetence.
Yes, Windsor deceived Alito by posing as a religious conservative.
But Alito deceives America by posing as a principled originalist. Bottom line: The deception Windsor helped expose is far more consequential than the deception she carried out.
Read more:
Journalistic ethicists condemned filmmaker Lauren Windsor's secret taping of Justice Samuel Alito.
But the alarming Supreme Court decision immunizing Donald Trump from prosecution shows why it's actually a prime example of when surreptitious reporting is justified.
#ShlaerMellor, #FunctionPointAnalysis, #punk, #environmentalist, #unionAdvocate, #anarchosocialist
"with a big old lie and a flag and a pie and a mom and a bible most folks are just liable to buy any line, any place, any time" - Frank Zappa