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The most personal data from more than 13 million people who have healthcare from Kaiser Permanente was given to Microsoft, Google and others. How? Looks like Kaiser's web/mobile applications went all in with the spyware Big Tech seeds into everything it can.

The people who run Kaiser should lose their jobs for this. They won't. They'll blame some underlings who won't be held accountable in any real way.

Ad-tech is cancer on privacy. And it's everywhere. Use blockers!

Columbia University’s President was so bad at basic strategic comms that now we’ve got police snipers on the roofs of campuses around the country.

I got a little mad about it in my latest post.

It’s #STFUfriday!

When cops ask you questions, ask for a lawyer and then STFU:

- I am not discussing how I’m doing or where I’m going.

- Am I free to leave?

- I am not answering any questions.

- If they ask to search anything: "I do not consent to a search."

- I want to speak to a lawyer.

Cops are only REQUIRED to give you Miranda warnings if you are “in custody.” “Not free to go” is an oversimplification.

Remember you can always invoke your rights even when you aren’t in custody.🧵

The fediverse has deep issues when it comes to environmental sustainability.

I wrote a thing that looks at why that is, and suggests some practical steps we can take to improve things.


I've heard it a fair bit watching fighting games, but honestly as much from POC content creators as white ones. I've heard it used as both a derogatory term for gear elitists, and as a boast from...well, gear elitists...but usually in a self-aware, tongue-in-cheek manner. The opposing term is "console peasant." Apart from the obvious reference, it doesn't have anything to do with the third reich.

National security and Linux are both being infiltrated by Microsoft. gemini://

A sobering look at the book publishing industry.

Now, time to put my head back down working on comics that you'll surely purchase, read, and enjoy!

"In the realm of digital education, we can now confidently state and uphold that digital commons are the default horizon for projects supported and operated by the French Ministry of Education.
This means that the codes, data, and content we develop are primarily intended to be free, open, and interoperable.
For reasons of sovereignty, security, transparency, sustainability, cost control, and internalisation of skills."
Audran Le Baron
Director of Digital for Education (France)
March 2024

Laptop died yesterday but thanks to the , the Baseus Dock, an HDMI Screen, a USB keyboard and 's docked mode I have access to most of the things via my phone.

helps a lot as that means I have my ssh keys available by just plugging it in.

Took me about 15min to notice that I didn't even plug a mouse in.

Some #bike companion apps show "CO₂ saved".

But don't go #cycling around the Earth just to increase the score. You wont save any CO₂ this way.

The number intends to show how much you *avoided emitting* if you wanted to take this trip by #car but changed your mind.

If you never intended to go by car, you never avoided emitting anything - and food costs #energy to make, too.

Cycling around the Earth is worthwhile for other reasons, but not for saving energy.

#bicycle #CO2 #travel #commuting

A part of #Rustlang that doesn't get mentioned but is a ridiculous quality of life boon:


Just #[derive(Debug)] on a struct and print it. Suddenly you get insight into what's going on. Very rarely do you need to write your own print.

Insert a dbg in the middle of anything

let diffi = debug!(diffs).iter();

and you get a message with line number and the name of variable:

[src/] diffs = [16, 86, 11]

Not even #Python has that!

#coding #softwareengineering #programming

📢 Hey, journalists!

Today, 5 pm ET/2 pm PT: Join us for “Prepared, Not Scared: Digital security for the election season,” a webinar that will cover case-specific topics that can help keep you safe while conducting election coverage.

RSVP for free:

Holy shit, the FCC restored net neutrality.

The Elektrobit safety-critical Linux distribution for automotive looked kind of interesting until I saw they tied it to Microsoft Visual Studio.

After four years of quasi-hibernation, Brood OINK is emerging to bash more skulls at protests.

There were four people arrested at the A15 action in Toronto, including two Dene/Anishinaabe activists. Palestinian Solidarity activists in Toronto have been targeted for increased surveillance and repression. Settler-colonial states have each other's backs, and we need to too!

Support them at

Does anyone know of stories about universities that have successfully transitioned to hosting their own Mastodon or other fedi instances?

Would appreciate either personal accounts or links to stories about this having happened.

(boosts welcome)

Earth Day still on your mind? Our “planned obsolescence” throwaway culture doesn’t have to be, and shouldn’t be, a technology status quo, @RepairCoalition leader Gay Gordon-Byrne tells EFF’s Cindy Cohn and @jgkelley on the new episode of “How to Fix the Internet.”

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