More info on GtkInspector in #gnome's developer documentation: and here's how to use it in a nested phosh session:
Revealed: Far higher #pesticide residues allowed on food since #Brexit | #Pesticides | The Guardian
Brexit: the grift that keeps on poisoning
#UK #Agriculture #Farming #Neonicotinoids #Wildlife #Environment #Politics
@ludicity Your diagrams reminded me of another excellent book by DeMarco and Lister, Waltzing with Bears: Managing Risk on Software Projects.
@ludicity Highly enjoyable read until I read this #FacePalm, "I like the principles enough that our consultancy is current leaning heavily towards adopting Extreme Programming practices." You're heading away from silly nouns toward cutesy acronyms, again with very little supporting evidence behind them.
A good book on exploring process is Applied Software Measurement by Capers Jones to see how much choice is based upon type of development and size of project.
Good news everyone! My magnum opus on Scrum just dropped, clocking in at almost 9K words! Prepare a drink, strap yourselves in, and enter the Torment Nexus.
Oh look, Starlink is continuing to screw up the sky in every way possible.
"Second-Generation Starlink Satellites Leak 30 Times More Radio Interference, Threatening Astronomical Observations"
It's going to be "hilarious" when Starlink messes up the radio sky so badly that radio astronomers can't even use quasars to calibrate GPS anymore. There are so many consequences from all these stupid, cheaply built, disposable satellites.
"At this very minute, Copilot is ingesting free software on Microsoft's proprietary platform, GitHub, with little respect for each program's license." Read more:
Hardware kill switches. Open source OS. No data collection. That's the Purism difference.
#PrivacyMatters #DataSecurity #MadeInUSA #OpenSource #LibertyPhone #Purism #DigitalPrivacy #SecureComputing #NoDataLeaks #TechEthics #HardwareKillSwitch #PureOS #PrivacyByDesign #SecureSmartphone #TechFreedom
GNOME 47 is here! After months of hard work from contributors worldwide, this release brings many exciting updates and improvements.
Find more details about what's new in #GNOME47 in the release notes:
If you haven't written to Congress about this, use our action center to do it today!
The U.S. Senate is on the verge of giving a huge gift to patent trolls.
A children's book for understanding elections, which are never-ending.
Couple of new @pmpress titles today! Taking the State out of the Body by Eliana Rubin, and Revolution in 35mm: Political Violence and Resistance in Cinema from the Arthouse to the Grindhouse, 1960–1990, edited by Andrew Nette and Samm Deighan:
...and mutitasking, and I was right about those as neither has caught up to the alternatives available up to the mid-nineties. However, I think we can also blame WinHEC for holding back hardware developments, and a lot of flawed software engineering has been started and perpetuated from Microsoft.
The Microsoft Windows anticompetitive monopoly has likely made it harder for advances in computer UI to occur, much for the same reasons the QWERTY keyboard held back computer input advancements.
Twenty-five years ago, when it was clear that Microsoft's anticompetitive monopoly wasn't going to be remedied, I stated that Microsoft had set computing back 30 years. I now believe that to be under estimated by a factor of two to three.
At the time of my first estimate, I was mostly looking at UI...
@dcz ...if one wants to accept the Gregorian Calendar and the supremacy of the Brtish Empire. ;-)
For those keeping track, How Comics Were Made corrections were sent to the printer today, and proofs were returned! I just dropped off the last borrowed art, too.
The book is still on track for shipping starting in mid-October! (I know, a Kickstarter that, knock wood, could be on time?)
You can pre-order a copy at and find out more about the book at – an overview, preview of pages (including an index page), and a full table of contents.
KOSA could block youth access to life-saving sexual and reproductive health resources.
The discussions about whether to use AI helpers for creative work remind me of musician's unions attempting to ban synthesizers and drum machines in the early eighties [1], which sound funny today. In the meantime, musicians have learnt to combine these tools with their own skills in fantastic ways, covering the full range from "all electronics" to "no electronics" for our enjoyment.
Claiming government officials’ texts are unavailable because they’re stored on personal phones is “just a dodge to try to avoid accountability,” EFF’s @aaronmackey told Louisville Public Media. “I think what it says is they don’t actually value transparency.”
#ShlaerMellor, #FunctionPointAnalysis, #punk, #environmentalist, #unionAdvocate, #anarchosocialist
"with a big old lie and a flag and a pie and a mom and a bible most folks are just liable to buy any line, any place, any time" - Frank Zappa