At the #minidebconf in Hamburg last month I deliberately didn't bring my laptop and did all my packaging and light coding on the #librem5 using a #nexdock360.
While it did indeed get a bit hot during compilation, I enjoyed using #phosh in docked mode very much 🚀
@devrtz @trregeagle @kyle @purism I use my pinephone with a nexdock almost every day. Just in case you don't know already. There are two great hotkey combinations in phosh, Super+A and Super+S. The first opens the tray for launching new apps. The second opens the tray for easy task switching. Learning those hotkey combos in phosh dramatically improved my experience while in convergence mode.
@devrtz @trregeagle @kyle @purism They are ever so slightly different. Super+A puts the text search in focus. So you can start typing your app then use arrow down to tansfer focus to the grid and fire it up. Super+S puts the open app slider in focus so that you can immediately use left/right arrows to switch beteen apps.