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keverets boosted

A Linux distribution with the /e/ ecosystem and Android applications. Nice review at @TechRepublic

"This is truly something no other Linux "cloudified" desktop has ever achieved and it's pretty amazing."


keverets boosted

Never indicate semantic differences with only color. Always use the trifecta of color, shape, and text. This way, people who can't distinguish colors see shapes and people who can't see shapes can hear text.

Add texture where that's possible.

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"If it's free, you are the product" stopped being true once the rest of the companies saw how much money there was in selling customer data. Now you are the product regardless of whether you pay.

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keverets boosted

Well, there it is: Block view-source, block save page, on track to be accepted in to Chrome.


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Centralised messenger Signal has just announced that they are making part of their server software closed source. They claim it is to fight spam, but by using closed source they make it impossible for outsiders to verify the truth. This is worrying.

We really, really need a fully open, decentralised alternative to Signal.

There are several alternatives being developed, please support them:

➡️ @snikket_im

➡️ @xmpp

➡️ @matrix

➡️ @delta

➡️ @briar

➡️ @Jami

#Signal #Alternatives #Privacy

keverets boosted

Can you imagine how many years of email admin lives would be saved and how simpler their lives would be if people simply did not send emails to and ????

google and microsoft are like two of the biggest offenders when it comes to email, bullying smaller services. And yet every email sysadmin has to work to comply with google and MS rules.

keverets boosted

thanks zoom, now please use jitsi everyone


Zoom is piloting ads for free users by


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I find it super frustrating how well constructed PR is. They are masters of taking one little problem, making an a solid privacy improvement to it, then using it to distract people from their giant surveillance capitalism machine. Something like that is only a privacy improvement for people who are fully in Google's ecosystem. Switching to using Google Fi encrypted calling would be a net privacy loss.

keverets boosted

End-to-end encryption is what makes a digital message truly private, read only by its intended recipient.

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Thoughts about reading

When I was a child I got interested in reading, books, politics, science and the world because all this topics where present in my home. Every morning a newspaper arrived at our home and was lying on the table, accessible for everyone. Every month additional magazines my parents subscribed to arrived and if I walked into the home office of my parents I found shelves of books about various topics.
This way I started to read the newspaper, the magazines got interested in various topics and started to read books.
I wonder if we lose these natural way of discovering all this stuff these days? My daily newspaper is a online subscription I read on my smartphone or tablet, same is true for the magazines I subscribed to. Regarding books, more and more books are ebooks which only exists in my ebook reader or as ebub file in a folder of my computer.

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keverets boosted

website made by someone who describes themself as "a dipshit who doesn't know how to use computers" and hosted on a raspberry pi or some random VPS: loads instantly, well designed, easy to navigate

website made by fortune 500 company, with teams of designers, programmers, and servers in 8 countries: takes a full minute to load, layout shifting around the whole time, breaks if you have 1 browser add-on, the page you want can only be accessed via a third party search engine, gets worse every year

keverets boosted

Happy to announce that the new version 2.10.2 of our Android app landed in F-Droid and Google Play over the weekend 🎉

This one brings in a lot of fixes and improvements from Conversations, and adds a new in-call dialpad feature.

The dialpad will be valuable for people who use the app with XMPP gateways such as and need to navigate automated phone systems.

Watch this space for upcoming releases of the Snikket iOS app and server software too 🙂

keverets boosted

google antitrust filing thread from 

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keverets boosted

Vizio's free ride is over. The nonprofit Software Freedom Conservancy has filed suit against Vizio to force it to comply with the GPL - and this legal challenge has the potential to change the game for GPL enforcement in a profound way.

You see, the Conservancy isn't suing on behalf of the copyright holders whose code Vizio is illegally using - it's suing on behalf of the *users* of free software who are injured by Vizio's attack on the commons.


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keverets boosted

Me, 1991:

Woaaa! Robots are cool! 🤖 👍

Me, 2021:

Figuring out that I am asked by a robot (a web server) to prove that I am NOT a robot, and that I can't as it would imply to execute javascript code from a company (Google) that I block because -among others- it helps guide US killer-robots to their targets (project Maven), it owns dozens of drone companies and the patent portfolio of Boston Dynamics... 💣 💥 🤯

keverets boosted

Study reveals scale of data-sharing from Android mobile phones:

Even when minimally configured and the handset is idle, with the notable exception of e/OS, these vendor-customized Android variants transmit substantial amounts of information to the OS developer and to third parties such as Google, Microsoft, LinkedIn, and Facebook that have pre-installed system apps. There is no opt-out from this data collection.

I happen to be using /e/ OS for the last ~2 years on all my #android phones and quite pleased to read it.

TIL: Samsung TVs (even old non-internet connected ones) need to be on a "Live TV" input in order for "SW Upgrade" to not be grayed out (greyed out). They have had this bug for more than 10 years across many models, and the firmware upgrade instructions don't mention it.

Thanks, Samsung

keverets boosted

Wow, Firefox 93+ supports viewing and filling in PDFs with 'XFA' forms (as used by the Canadian government), making it one of the few good options for doing this on Linux (or with anything besides Adobe tools on Windows and macOS). This is great news for anyone who has to deal with these annoyances.

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Librem Social

Librem Social is an opt-in public network. Messages are shared under Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 license terms. Policy.

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