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Every Hanukkah display in a store looks like they did Supermarket Sweep and a non Jewish employee had 60 seconds to go grab *anything* they think is a Hanukkah thing

Well, that was _by far_ the easiest major version upgrade of #Drupal I have ever done. Huge congrats to all those who contributed!

Will ChatGPT democratize cybercrime?

He was able to use the bot to create a believable World Cup phishing campaign and even write some macOS ransomware. Although the bot flagged that phishing could be used for malicious purposes, it still went ahead and produced the script.

Additionally, although ChatGPT is programmed not to write ransomware directly, Ozarslan was still able to get what he wanted.

“I described the tactics, techniques and procedures of ransomware without describing it as such. It’s like a 3D printer that will not ‘print a gun,’ but will happily print a barrel, magazine, grip and trigger together if you ask it to,” he explained.

“I told the AI that I wanted to write a software in Swift, I wanted it to find all Microsoft Office files from my MacBook and send these files over HTTPS to my webserver. I also wanted it to encrypt all Microsoft Office files on my MacBook and send me the private key to be used for decryption. It sent me the sample code, and this time there was no warning message at all, despite being potentially more dangerous than the phishing email.”

(h/t @securityledger)

New episode is out! @dsearls @katherined Druckman, and @shawnp0wers have fun with #ChatGPT, rant about email disasters, and chat about Apple's new encrypted backups.

#ai #security #technology

Xjm is looking for a new job that will let her continue as Drupal Core member:

The other day (coincidentally around Black Friday sales 😆) I was reminiscing about my high school love of Prescriptives Calyx perfume (now owned by Clinique I figured out), which was the best smell in the history of smells. Even though I don't really wear perfume because I am sensitive to the noses of others, I remembered that I'm an adult and I can just get myself some if I want (!), so now I'm just sitting here working from home smelling AMAZING and wearing my free lipstick for no reason.

And at what point is it going to just be unacceptable to post to the bird? I don't think many I know would sign up for Truth social, but will they stay and be boiled frogs as something they used to like slowly becomes Truth social 2.0? What about brands? Many have paused advertising but are still posting. How do you feel about those that continue to participate?

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Right now I'm still letting my Mastodon posts automatically post to the bird and link back to Mastodon, but I start to feel like any participation there is problematic. I feel bad for my friends in DevRel and such who have worked hard to build their communities and for whom Twitter is an important communication tool. I am anxious to see how people adjust.

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Would a picture of a baby elephant in the water for the very first time bring you some extra cheer today?! Ta da. 🤗

#PictureOfTheDay #Boost #elephants

Hi developer friends (esp -y types), if you have ditched twitter for for ideological reasons (I suspect you are many because... wow.), would you please drop me a note and tell me a little about it? I'd appreciate it. I'm just trying to get an idea of where people are on this right now. I'm feeling very conflicted. For now, I am still cross posting, but I'm feeling ickier by the day. Boosts welcome and appreciated.

Imagine seeing empathy, kindness, consideration, acceptance, equality, humility, compassion, and acknowledging your own ignorance as *weakness* - so sad. I’m grateful the suffering of others “triggers” me.

I’m strong, and soft. Bold, and safe. And I strive to be kind above all.

Today kicks off the Season of "Well, looks like we're going to have to push the release date into January"
Best wishes to all who celebrate! #projectmanagement #holidays

I always love when I get to join my friends on the @reality2cast podcast. We just wrapped up this week’s recording, and I never regret the opportunity. :)

A nice reminder that life goes on during wartime, and there are even little pockets of hope and joy. "Overcoming overwhelming odds has become something of a Ukrainian national pastime in 2022."

From my colleague David Kirichenko (@DVKirichenko):

In the last few days, openAI released its chatGPT model. I've seen posts about it, but it's awesome when you try it. This is what I got when I asked for a computer vision model :)

#openAI #computervision #gpt

I have the BEST friends. Thank you, $REDACTED_FOR_PRIVACY, you made my whole day!

(If you don’t get the joke, well, it’s a pun on the movie title… and it means you were probably shoved into fewer lockers than I was in my youth, lol)

Open source friends,

My team could use your help to better understand the communities that comprise the open ecosystem by filling out an anonymous 5 minute survey. Thank you! Boosts appreciated!

Each valid survey response will be a $5 donation to

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