jose boosted

WhatsApp borrará tu cuenta si no estás conforme en compartir datos con Facebook (por ahora creo que en la India). Ahhh esas viejas promesas cuando se hicieron cargo de Whatsapp… 🤦‍♂️

jose boosted

@24h24l muchas gracias por todos vuestros esfuerzos, muy interesante y completo el programa. Espero estar libre esas 24H para acompañaros!

jose boosted

Twitter Removes Privacy Option, and Shows Why We Need Strong Privacy Laws

Twitter greeted its users with a confusing notification this week. “The control you have over what information Twitter shares with its business partners has changed,” it said. The changes will “help Twitter continue operating as a free service,” it assured. But at what cost?What Changed?Twitter has...

jose boosted

Facebook isn’t listening to you through your phone microphone because *it doesn’t need to.* EFF’s @jenuhhveev talked to @USATODAY about all the creepier, more insidious ways Facebook is tracking you online.

jose boosted

Daily #vim trick: `:r! <cmd>` executes the command and inserts its output at the current cursor position.
useful for example if you need the contents of an environment variable in your buffer

jose boosted
jose boosted

#VodafoneUK, #TalkTalk, and #virginmedia are preventing users from protecting their privacy by continuing to unlawfully block us in the UK. We’ve raised the issue and had no response. If nothing happens, we’ll have to take legal action. Read more here:

jose boosted

This is exactly the kind of problem we are trying to solve with the Librem 5 on multiple fronts, hardware and software.

jose boosted

We no longer need to imagine a world without privacy — we can simply look at China. 注册一个ProtonMail帐号来保护您的通信,使其不会遭到监视

jose boosted

we are continuing our plans to both destroy urls and destroy web servers that arent amp

jose boosted
jose boosted

It's amazing to me how much software is already available on the Librem 5.

- Some of it optimized for touch screens.
- Some partially optimized.
- Some not yet optimized, but functional.

The power of Free and Open Source software (and Linux) at work. :)

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jose boosted

Facebook: Remember how we promised we weren’t tracking your precise location? Sike, can't believe you fell for that... again

Instalación avanzada de Manjaro con Manjaro Architect, vídeo de Manjaro Linux ->

jose boosted

Help us fight for a world where tech works for you—not corporations, not advertisers, and not governments. You.

jose boosted

Si las grandes corporaciones consiguen tributar lo mínimo con su dinero, ¿qué no conseguirán con tus datos? Artículo en ArchiTecnologia:

OFF-TOPIC: la nube apesta

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Librem Social

Librem Social is an opt-in public network. Messages are shared under Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 license terms. Policy.

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