We're hiring! My team at Polytechnic Institute of Paris / @TelecomParis is recruiting a tenured associate professor of software engineering (all sub-fields welcome!).
Job description: https://institutminestelecom.recruitee.com/l/en/o/associate-professor-of-software-engineering-at-telecom-paris-cdi
Deadline: 4 September 2023.
Feel free to contact me for inquiries.
I will be presenting about #ReproducibleBuilds at #FOSSY this year:
Breaking the Chains of Trusting Trust: Reproducible Builds and More!
Pretty excited, and a lot of interesting developments in recent years!
Excited to join the #FOSSY organizing team for the home stretch! Check out the schedule: https://2023.fossy.us/schedule/
Sailor Shikiori Yodaki is a great ink match for this Sailor 1911S Fried Egg Jellyfish. Yes I said those words and yes they are about a pen.
I’m searching for a role as a Principal Engineer at an early-ish (<150) startup, or on a small, empowered cross-functional team with direct customer impact. I’m looking for a connection to positive outcomes where I can solve the most ambiguous and challenging technical problems, regardless of where in the stack they are. I have extensive experience building and maintaining systems code. I’m passionate about contributing to foundational open source projects.
Yesterday, my friend's son turned four. They had his party at the lake. Since there wasn't really an address to share, my friend sent me the GPS coordinates.
I plugged them into Puremaps and it led me straight there while I was also listening to a podcast.
#mobilelinux and the #librem5 have come a long way.
The quote attributed to Rove (2/2):
And while you are studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors, and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.
The quote attributed to Rove (1/2):
People like you are still living in what we call the reality-based community. You believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality. That's not the way the world really works anymore. We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality.
Fun story about Karl Rove and The National. And a great (alleged) quote. Not sure about the part where the journalist who reported the quote is getting a royalty cut from the song it's used in...
I heard you like Ubuntu, so...
Yet another reason we need #reproduciblebuilds -- trademark concerns around recompiled binaries.
Former shipper and executive director at the Free Software Foundation, now https://alliterativeadvising.com, https://crazyalansemporium.com, and board of directors for https://f-droid.org.