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We only have two weeks left to achieve our goal of 600 new members by the end of the year. WE NEED YOUR HELP -- tell your friends why they need to join the fight for free software today!

Jack Dorsey followed Mastodon on Twitter a month ago so it's not like he doesn't know Mastodon exists, take from that what you will

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@codewiz Have I told you the story about the time I mistook a big bowl of wasabi for hummus...

Because we all use mobile phones so frequently, Replicant is one of our most crucial High Priority Projects. Learn more about how you can contribute to this fully free Android distribution:

Boosting Sage Sharp
@_sagesharp_ from birdsite:
Pls RT: I'm looking for a paid contractor to help with Code of Conduct enforcement at PyCon

Looking for candidates who are experienced at enforcing a CoC at events or in an online space. Must be available April 16 to 19 for travel to Pittsburgh, PA USA

We're one-sixth of the way to our goal of 600 new members by December 31. If you've been thinking of amplifying your voice in the fight for your user rights by joining the FSF, there's no better day than today:

In weekly FSF tech team meeting now -- discussing the pic on Please donate so we can buy them some chairs!

"Smart" TVs are smart enough to use facial recognition and spy on your habits, but they aren't smart enough to respect your freedom. When even the FBI is cautioning you to "consider whether you are willing to take the risk," you know you've got a problem.

@fsf Seriously, I basically work with superheroes.I really hope everyone who can will pitch in and help us expand this area of our work.

The FSF tech team is the heart of our organization, and plays a crucial role in the creation and proliferation of free software. If you use their services, today is the day to show your appreciation:

I appreciate receiving critical/negative feedback. I appreciate receiving it via post even more. I appreciate receiving it handwritten on my favorite paper (Rhodia dot grid) even morer. Wow!

Did you miss EmacsConf 2019? Have no fear: videos are here! Enjoy 31 out of the 32 talks given at this groundbreaking online conference:

Why did @uspto issue a patent on organizing photos? We don’t know, but now it’s being used to sue a non-profit that develops free and open source software.

What events are you going to / speaking at in 2020? Trying to shake my calendar up a bit, looking for ideas.

Know any Boston finance pros interested in some flexible hours over the next few months? FSF is looking: Sharing appreciated!

@liw “The Ferengi are hailing us.”
“Uh… we can't, they're using a proprietary codec and the licence isn't compatible with Federation law.”
“Can we install it anyway? Under one of the diplomacy directives.”
“Nnnooo, looks like we'd need to upgrade the ship's processing core. Or maybe downgrade. Possibly both.”
“Ah screw it, just open fire.”

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