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Just installed -plugins on the : really cool!

After enabling it through the phosh-mobile-settings app I now can from the left edge of the screen to the right to get a calendar or a an overview of my upcoming events.

10,000 followers here on Mastodon/Fosstodon! Thanks to everyone who supports us 😊

Happy 41st birthday to the Chaos Computer Club #CCC. Thank you for your work for freedom of Information and technology assessment. 👏

Fresh pmOS shirt after wearing my last one since fosdem 2019 :P

New podcast episode is out. This time, among other topics:

* Automated Phone Testing
* Debugging Phosh
* Bluetooth / Pulseaudio / ModemManager
* SHIFT6mq progress

Since people kept asking: we have a merch site up now, where you can get sustainable, stylish piece of clothing featuring the postmarketOS logo in quite a few variations.

Also we put a link to the @pine64eu homepage there, the place to go if you want to buy a brand new #pinephone with postmarketOS pre-installed.

Today is election day here in Sweden. For those who can, don't forget to vote!

Voting places should stay open until 20:00 tonight.

A new issue of #ThisWeekInGNOME is now online!

New information about GNOME Shell mobile, a new GTK release, GNOME Circle updates - and a lot of app releases!

#60 Demo Day


Just had a productive chat with people representing interests of:

• Endless
• Flathub
• Purism
• Red Hat
• indie apps

…and probably more. I wore my System76 shirt, and elementary, VLC, and Thunderbird all came up.

Open source is one big, fun family.

New blog post - The Pinephone Pro, PostmarketOS, and Why Mainlining Phones is Important

Hey Fedi!

I'm compiling antipatriarchic, antiracist, antivalidist, antifascist, anticarceral and ecologist struggles* intersecting with the free software and free culture ones, can you help me? I already know a few but I'm certain there are dozens I've never heard of! 😁

Retoot welcome!

*Any antikyriarchist struggle really.

Onde anda a malta #tuga do #mastodon? A maioria dos que entraram aquando da tentativa (😂) de compra do #Twitter pelo Musk, parece que desistiram disto. Ou sou eu que não estou a ver bem a coisa? Alguém me sugere contas em #português para seguir?

Weekly GNU-like Mobile Linux Update (35/2022): Phosh 0.21.0, postmarketOS 22.06.2 and progress reports on Kaidan and Nemo Mobile

Thanks for all the help with this iteration of this weekly update! :)
#PinePhone #PinePhonePro #Librem5

Tip #7
Edit your PDFs directly in #libreoffice writer.
When exporting a text document to PDF, tick the "Hybrid PDF" option. This will create a PDF that also contains the .odt file inside. This allows you to either open the PDF in any document viewer as a PDF or in a text editor as an .odt file without any formatting loss. Try it for yourself and never lose the source file to a PDF!

#tips #opentips #pdf #foss #floss

PSA: Current new mobian images don't have callaudiod installed leaving you breaking modem audio routing. Please `apt update` and `apt upgrade` to get it pulled in.

Recherche de logement en urgence sur #Montpellier, si vous avez un plan hésitez pas, retoot bienvenu.

Kaidan will receive a grant for end-to-end encrypted audio and video calls:

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Librem Social

Librem Social is an opt-in public network. Messages are shared under Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 license terms. Policy.

Stay safe. Please abide by our code of conduct.

(Source code)

image/svg+xml Librem Chat image/svg+xml