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Google went from “don’t be evil” to “help commit genocide or you’re fired”.

Say it with me, kids: "A biometric is an identifier, never an authenticator."

No #LinuxFoundation, not "rebel", but "evil 800 pound gorilla suing the life out of projects left and right"

Don't whitewash history
#ossummit #opensource #Microsoft

Absolutely disgusted at my employer (Google) for this bullshit (firing 28 people for peacefully protesting against Google's contract with Israel's army)


As for the firmware, if you are on pureos, then you can check the u-boot version, by going into the mobile settings app in the app tray, then: Librem 5

If you are not on pureos you can also likely get the version with dmesg:

sudo dmesg | grep u_boot_version

To check the firmware version of the USB PD controller you can also use:

sudo cat /sys/kernel/debug/tps6598x/0-003f/customer_use



The end of the output shows:


then it is charging at 5v and 3A and doing PD



Well, if it booted, then you can now connect it to the Librem 5 official charger and it should do power delivery negotiations and charge at more than 5v/0.5A

It might be that you need a couple of charge/discharge cycles for the battery to be ok.

There are other ways to do this, but you can check if it doing PD, with this command (at least in PureOS):

tail -n+0 /sys/class/power_supply/*/uevent


@mobian is back in business! Now with a new hoster and server, blog, repository, and image downloads should be back up again.

There might be a few old DNS cache leftovers which should resolve themselves soon.

Yay for good backups and sorry for the downtime!

@rmader @agx

If you get it to boot we can check on the firmware :)

@rmader @agx and yes, that is a Evergreen device battery.

@rmader @agx

When you connect it to the official charger, you might need to press the power button for 20 seconds to get it to boot. As the previous steps put the device in flash mode.

If that is the issue (battery being too drained), this might help you get to a booting state and the battery charging again.

Let us know if this worked.

@rmader @agx

1 - Ensure that the phone is switched off.
2 - Turn all Hardware-Kill-Switches off
3 - Remove battery
4 - Hold volume-up
5 - Insert the USB-C cable: (red light blinks, no green light)
6 - Reinsert the battery: (red light is constantly on, the script will continue)
7 - Release volume-up

If there is a constant red LED on the Librem 5.
Then it is charging at 0,5A
Let it do that for like an hour. Just to charge the battery a bit.

Then connect it to the official charger.


@rmader @agx

What is the issue exactly with the battery?

Does not charge? No LED light?

It could be that the battery is just too drained.

It can happen if the device is for a very long time without being charged.

If that is the case it might be possible to charge it via a regular USB 2.0 connected to like a laptop.

Just to charge it enough that later it can do PD again.

You will need a laptop and a USB-A to C cable to try that.

First you need to put the phone in flash mode:


O nosso @rlafuente no Festival Impacto a discursar sobre: "Alguns mitos sobre a forma como nos (des)entendemos online".

@sonny Honest question: can you define "that they can learn about how their app is used"?

I get that devs might want performance information and crash reports, and maybe know on what OS it is running. But I am confused about the: how the app is used part.

I mean, a music player plays audio files. A text editor edits text, a translation app translates text, etc.

@sonny what is the penalty?

Users not installing it because it show a "potentially" unsafe warning?

@mks_h @xerz

One of the sad side-effects of the #xz #backdoor is that many projects feel like they need to move away from #autoconf, when the problem wasn’t autoconf itself, but shipping a bunch of .m4 files – and that nobody diffed repo vs tarball (if nobody does that, it doesn’t matter what you do in the repo, e.g. switching build systems).

This is sad because it means cross-compiling stuff will soon no longer be possible, as autoconf is so far the only thing that gets cross-compiling right. CMake is a complete mess, Meson is far from great for cross-compiling and everything else just outright doesn’t support it.

People, clean up your, get rid of .m4 and audit repo vs. tarball! That’s less work, much more effective and doesn’t kill cross-compiling!

Also, if you absolutely must blame a piece of software that was used by xz for this: That’ll be #gettext, which was the reason for the insane amount of .m4 files in the first place. gettext is a mess and that is really something we should get rid of.

re: alcohol 

@Blort you have:

GPS -> gnss-share -> geoclue -> phosh -> Any maps application.

Geoclue can also get data from other sources.

In this case satellite-gtk only looks at gnss-share.

There are ways to get a faster gps lock. like this:

To generate to generate fresh almanac and ephemeris data for GPS.

And there is this, but I have never tried it:

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