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I recommend watching “The Year: 2020” from ABC News and “Death to 2020” from Netflix back-to-back.



2020 was not the year I wanted, but it was a legit good year if I do not think about my disappointment from it being different than I anticipated.

Bad things happened. Good things happened. There was good and bad stress.

I am just grateful to still be here feeling it all.

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This past year, I read “The Daily Stoic” by Ryan Holiday. I started and ended each day with a stoic meditation. I found it helpful. I also recommend his book “The Obstacle Is The Way”.

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2017 was the first year I remember many people saying was the worst ever. Repeat for 2018, 2019, 2020.

I’m sorry if your year has been difficult.

Cognitive behavioral therapy and stoicism have been helpful to me. There is much we cannot control, but we can control our response.

Someone needs to make the Quirky Pivot Power for Europe (Europlug/Schuko).

All the surge protector strips I have purchased never enough space between the plugs and unavoidable wall warts.

I don’t want to make this an Electron app because it’s mobile focused and my primary motivation of using the Web platform is to avoid Apple’s and Google’s app stores.

Do we need a Web standard for writing to local storage and/or cloud storage?

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If I’m building a Web app and all user data stays local (IndexedDB), how do I ensure durability for the user?

eg they don’t lose work when they clear their cookies etc

Is there an easy way for a Web app to write to the cloud storage of user’s choice—Dropbox, iCloud, GDrive?

Recorded the first 4 interviews today. Thrilled! So far, 19 interviews are scheduled.

I think I might need a story editor to help with this. Also thinking of changing the format to a 3–5 part podcast miniseries instead of a single hour piece.

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I just started investing in solar projects with Trine. It’s like Kiva, but with interest and only clean energy businesses.

Just ruined my vegan eggnog because I didn't realize the dates were not depitted. 😞

The first interviews are scheduled! I got an overwhelming response from the Fitbit alumni group on LinkedIn. Now, I just hope I do this story justice.

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Had to go to the grocery store today since all the delivery services were booked.

People, per usual in Stockholm, were not respecting distancing at all in the stores, but many more people were wearing masks, including employees!

Huge change seemingly overnight in Sverige.

All I want for Christmas is to .

Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s.

It is easier for a camel to enter a needle’s eye than a rich man into the kingdom of God. 🐫 🪡 💰

Dark mode in an app is worthless if it doesn’t use true black (#000) to prevent an OLED pixel from being illuminated at all.

“The Beard Effect”

Bearded salesmen increase perceptions of expertise, which then increases trust, purchase likelihood, and satisfaction.

I hope the researchers study chest hair and v-neck/open collared shirts on salesmen next. 🦦

Fitbit’s story will end with Google’s acquisition. I was an early employee and am interviewing my peers about the incredible experience it was for so many of us.

There is much to tell and I need your help. Is there anything specific you’d like to know about Fitbit’s story? $FIT

I missed this good news on Monday. Trump’s SCOTUS rejected Indiana’s effort to discriminate against same-sex couples and will continue to preserve the meaning of Obergefell v. Hodges.

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