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JC boosted

:openstreetmap: I just installed StreetComplete and I’ve already made more than 150 contributions to map my neighborhood!

It’s such a good example of an open-source and well-designed mobile app that makes it easy for everyone to contribute to the digital commons.

#OSM #OpenStreetMap #StreetComplete

JC boosted

KiCad 7.0.5 has been released! Big thank you to all of the folks who helped get this one out the door.

YMMV, but I've always had unlimited data tethering by using ( is my current carrier, if that matters). I'm supposed to have a 5GB monthly tethering cap, but the Google Fi app reports 0B at the start of every day and does not ever appear restricted even if I exceed 5GB in one day.

@LineageOS Is there currently any traction with OEMs adopting as the default image within their product lines? If not, what are the biggest hurdles?

JC boosted

stmp1 SOM appeared! this open hardware module by @olimex shall serve as the BMC for Rack Reform. we'll test that with the official devkit first.

JC boosted

MNT RCM4 hopefully done, ordering samples now! this adapter lets you use CM4-style modules as processors in the MNT Reform laptop. my current favorite is the BPi CM4 with Amlogic A311D.

To see the full picture, you must first step outside the frame.

JC boosted

After @jacqueline told me it was possible, I tried 3d fdm printing a keycap for my mnt reform trackball. Went surprisingly well!

Getting it to fit was a bit fiddly and not the sort of process I enjoy, but it sure beats not having just the exposed switch...

My need for a job is beginning to supercede my convictions to professionally support personal ideologies.

JC boosted

Running a #homeserver with a now #postmarketos, former #android phone. It's kinda cool to "upcycle" what would otherwise be an outdated, useless device.

FYI: "[...] the new text app will have an element of as well. “Soon, our app will be compatible with certain other apps like [...] Users on these other apps will be able to search for, follow and interact with your profile and content if you’re public, or if you’re private and approve them as followers.” (Presumably that compatibility will come through , which has been exploring alongside other tech companies.)"

JC boosted

A vulnerability (CVE-2023-32784) in the open-source password manager KeePass can be exploited to retrieve the master password from the software’s memory.

The bad news is that the vulnerability is still unfixed and that a PoC exploitation tool – aptly named KeePass 2.X Master Password Dumper – is publicly available, but the good news is that the password can't be extracted remotely just by exploiting this flaw.

#Cybersecurity #CVE #KeePass

JC boosted
JC boosted

god the reform is cool. i wanted to try out a trackball, so i just built one of the modules and it wasn’t even hard

JC boosted
JC boosted

I came across a neat browser extension today. It looks for "rel=me" links pointing to mastodon profiles, and puts it in a little list for you to review.

In other words, you visit a website, and if tells you if there are any mastodon accounts associated to the website.

JC boosted

We are offering another free loaner MNT Reform which is now available for Plan9 development in the USA, Canada and Japan.

Please contact 'membership' at to tell us about your intent and apply.

#plan9 #os #dev #mnt #9front

JC boosted

KiCanvas is an open source, interactive, browser-based viewer for KiCAD schematics and boards- and now it's in 🎉 public alpha 🎉

Head over to my blog to learn more and try it out for yourself 🧚‍♀️

JC boosted
JC boosted

I’m SUPER EXCITED that my floppy disk costumes for SD cards are now in stock at @adafruit !! 🤩 Now’s your chance to dress up your SD cards for your 3D printer or cameras! Grab them with your next order 🥳🥰


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