Veckans avsnitt av Dra åt skogen från Skogssällskapet handlar om julgranar.
Biskopen i Växjö ger rejält svar på tal till Sverigedemokraterna angående klimatbeslut i stiftet, kyrkans uppgifter och SDs tystnad i beslutsorgan men istället mediauttalande.
The Thirteenth Annual 26 Hour New Years Eve Show
Welcome every TimeZone!
If you keep talking, we'll keep recording.
Please Boost.
For those who don't know, on New Years Eve 2024-12-31 10:00 UTC (5:00 AM EST), we will have a recording going on the HPR Mumble server for anyone to come on and say "Happy New Years" and talk about whatever they want. We will leave the recording going until at least 2025-01-01 12:00 UTC (7:00 AM EST), and keep recording until the conversation stops.
So please stop in. Say "Hi" and maybe join in the conversation with other HPR listeners and contributors. It's always a good time!!
Suggested by pokey in 2011. As podcasting tends to be a one way conversation, he thought it would be nice to get all the #floss #linux #FreeCulture, #podcasters and Listeners in one place to get together and chat in person. Initially it was planned to be just a few hours, but we kept missing members from other parts of the world. The show was extended to welcome ever time zone to the New Year, which actually turns out to be 26 Timezones.
So we will record for at least 26 Hours, but will keep the recording going for an "After Show". Some years the after show has been even longer than the show itself. While this is on the HPR Site, it is entirely a community initiative which is supported heavily by the fine folks over at the #linuxlugcast with the Mumble Server been provided by Delwin.
"Mojeek Focus allows you to create lists of sites to be included and/or excluded when searching, making it a very useful tool when it comes to tailoring Mojeek to your particular needs..."
Jag kom att tänka på filmen Glåplypa Grandprix och ler för mig själv.
Är jag ensam om att minnas den filmen och le vid minnet?
Is Bluesky just another Twitter? How does it stack up for user privacy? We walk through some important questions for this new network.
#bluesky #decentralization
Human rights.
Who is the duty-bearer of the human rights? With the Rights of the Child as example.
A good text by Elena Namli for me to read slowly and reflect upon.
A proud remark: Elena has been my teacher in human rights.
Minskat ryskt övertag i artilleri, färre ryska glidbomber och ruggigt effektiva ukrainska jaktdrönare som gör ryssarna blinda. Skriver i Sydsvenskan om Ukrainas framgångar i kriget.
Idag hoppade jag över havregrynsgröten till frukost. Jag åt rågflingegröt istället.
Känner du till någon (någorlunda färsk) bra rapport över hur bra olika sökmotorer presterar i sökresultat?
Kanske du har förslag @karlemilnikka ?
When I use Mojeek search engine and search for "hacker public radio" (w/o " in the search string), The Hacker Public Radio site comes up first in the results. My own personal web site , to a page where I refer to Hacker Public Radio, comes as forth search result.
Först är problemet för låg lön för att arbetstillståndet ska kunna förnyas. Sedan blir problemet att lönen är för hög, för snabbt höjd, för att förnya arbetstillståndet. Och att Region Kronoberg är en oseriös arbetsgivare.
Bok för traditionell läsning i jul anlände för någon dag sedan: Värendsbygder 2024. #böcker #bokläsning
Engineer with University Diploma in Human Rights & Democracy. Job competence: Component Engineer; fiber optics and more components, Component Handling Process and IT System owner. Linux, open source, photography and religion to mention a few interest areas. Joomla for web sites. English and Swedish. Located in Sweden. DM inactivated.
#HumanRights #Democracy #ComponentEngineer #FiberOptics #FibreOptics #Linux #LinuxMint #Joomla #OpenSource #Photography #Religion #Engineer