Jag prenumererar på Kinamedias nyhetsbrev. Ett av mina sätt att hålla lite koll på nyheter om Kina och till viss del omnejd och samtidigt stödja journalism (utöver vanliga tidningar/tidskrifter). Jag tycker Kinamedia är bra. Just nu har sommarkampanj för att prenumerera: https://kinamedia.se/2023/07/13/prenumerera-pa-kinamedia-nyhetsbrev-och-fa-en-bok-pa-kopet/
@WillA763 Yes and no... at least they are open about it and I can easily be aware. For the work/job/business side of me, LinkedIn is the best meeting place. The only option would be Facebook, but I don't want to mix professional contacts with personal, beside that Fb is absolutely not better... Beside network itself, it is a place to post and read topics related to profession, as well as job market if ever change job. I do not know any better place. But stay aware of non-privacy!
When I get my e-mails from LinkedIn; because you visited the profile of xxx, read the post by yyy, there is no doubt they perfectly know what I do on their platform. #LinkedIn
@JLW_the_Jobber @lulu_powerful I'm relatively new to Linux, a few years, and slowly moving towards it as daily driver. I've not tried Arch yet, I think to advanced for me. I also get your point of edge and stability. I have Mint, LMDE and Debian installed. Mint Cinnamon as preferred, but as I like Debian more and more as well, I really consider to switch to LMDE as my upcoming daily driver. Mint and LMDE is a bit more user friendly than Debian, but those three are all my faveorites for now.
Given everything that happened to #RedHat under #IBM’s control, it makes me very uneasy that #Microsoft owns #GitHub… I pessimistically predict this will be the next big blow to #OpenSource that we’ll have to recover from.
@kallekn Har man som jag "DN Digital", då har man inte någon +Allt. Man kan testa den gartis, men sedan blir det 199 kr till/månad utöver de 249 kr (fast de skriver 299 kr) för DN Digital. Med +Allt får man visserligen DN Digital Bas, men då missar man eDN mm. Om jag fattar rätt. Hur som helst, min kontenta är att inte alla som har DN kan läsa din artikel.
digiKam 8.1.0 released:
Well well, let's see if I have any success with my suggestion in Joomla Issue Tracker. https://issues.joomla.org/tracker/joomla-cms/41156 #joomla #cms #opensource #foss
Today I read a couple of more pages of this nice book I bought a while ago. Like another reader wrote, this book is like fine chocolate, you eat a bite at a time. I keep recommending this book! #books
Episode 148! @katherined and @dsearls talk to David Kirichenko about #Ukraine, #journalism, troll farms and #disinformation in times of war.
Visit the following link for full episode - https://www.reality2cast.com/148
@LeoR1010 @iakonkret Apropå fritt internet så läste jag nyss ett inlägg med konferenslänkspresentation (https://youtu.be/mrGfahzt-4Q) att e-post är fritt! Det bygger på öppna standarder och det är möjligt att sätta upp sin egna e-post-server (däremot har jag hört att det är bland det mest komplicerade man kan sätta upp på server). Så e-post-systemet är en del av det fria öppna internet!
@kallekn Jag är ambivalent till alla gräddskumbullar. Den smakade faktiskt bättre än jag minns från senast. Ganska söt. Kanske för att jag hade den i kylen innan. De tipsar fö att man kan frysa in dem, men jag minns inte att jag testat det någon gång. Jag klämde två till kaffet idag, utan något som helst problem!
E-mails that are in a sort of archive status. If I only need to access them from one machine (or store on eg a NAS) and keep baclups as always for everything. Is there any drawback to move them to a local folder? #email #thunderbird
@zak @mpanhans An alternative I am interested in is Volla phone with Volla OS, also an opensource Android fork I believe has a longer life than Google-Android. Furthermore, a "true" LinuxOS is of course very interesting, but probabaly Waydroid needs further development so critical Android apps works. Like Ubuntu touch on Volla phone, Librem 5 and more. But not really mainstream yet...! 2/2
@zak @mpanhans I agree with your statement that a mobile phone should last long - and stay secure. And that Apple is doing generally better than Google so far. I have started to look into alternative OS and recently I moved to /e/OS which has a desire to be updated longer than Google-Android. /e/OS is based on LineageOS, which is based on open Android. I use Samsung S9, it runs on /e/OS based Android 10 and is updated. /e/OS has just launched Fairphone 4 for US, from Murena. 1/2
Engineer with University Diploma in Human Rights & Democracy. Job competence: Component Engineer; fiber optics and more components, Component Handling Process and IT System owner. Linux, open source, photography and religion to mention a few interest areas. Joomla for web sites. English and Swedish. Located in Sweden. DM inactivated.
#HumanRights #Democracy #ComponentEngineer #FiberOptics #FibreOptics #Linux #LinuxMint #Joomla #OpenSource #Photography #Religion #Engineer