@zaivala Happy birthday Moss, take care and best wishes!
@normalniklas Ja. Idag får man betrakta en hel del digitalt som ett längtidslån/långtidshyra.
@doktorzjivago Instämmer, min hjärna kan heller inte fatta det.
Jag ville stoppa in Sveriges radios kanaler i musikspelaren Rhythmbox som jag har på datorn. Det gick alldeles utmärkt med SR:s länkar från denna startsida för länkar: https://sverigesradio.se/grupp/10632 #sverigesradio #rhythmbox #linux
@kallekn Inte omöjligt att du har rätt. Vi gör en koll om tio år!
@kallekn Nu amatörgissar jag, men jag tror att det kan vara så att i ditt långtidsminne stannar bilden kvar, men inte artikeln om att bilden var manipulerad.
@sudoaptgetlife I agree, Calibre is not friendly in that use case.
@MariaLiv Yes, and it is an open debate what is manipulation or not (let's say remove red eyes is a manipulation but can be debated if it should be ok to consider as not manipulated). But indeed important to have a critical view, considering source, when looking at a photo that is some sort of documentary.
@phneutral Yes, I believe they were good at it. Like they were with surveillance, which also is easy now (as long as not reached encryption). I tested myself in b/w darkroom to expose multiple photos on same paper, as well as various masks. So I agree it has always been fully possible to manipulate photos, but less frequent and required skills and time to make it to perfection.
Hehe, ja, vi måste fokusera om väsentligheter! Ja, du kan ha rätt, jag är osäker. 🙂
Ten years ago today, I suggested that “the cloud” was just another name for “someone else’s computer”…
@taylorlorenz Agree. Plus another reflection: It all seems to about US, as all AI for good and worse is a US business. I've heard China has some work in AI... to mention one of many other countries.
Do you also use Calibre? Or do you use any other free and open source software (for Linux) as e-book library? #opensource #foss #linux #calibre
Det dök upp ett inlägg i mitt flöde, i Mastodon, med referens till ett X-inlägg där Brucan hade en politisk T-shirt. Den skulle kanske inte vara helt otänkbar att han skulle ha. Men det är bara det att han inte hade det. Bilden med stor spridning är manipulerad! Om jag ska tro på denna Forbesartikel. Den där gamla sanningen, påståendet, att bilden aldrig ljuger får man nog revidera. https://www.forbes.com/sites/mattnovak/2023/12/02/no-bruce-springsteen-didnt-wear-a-shirt-with-keep-america-trumpless/ #springsteen
@drakakis Sorry, but appears to be fake news. Ref: https://www.forbes.com/sites/mattnovak/2023/12/02/no-bruce-springsteen-didnt-wear-a-shirt-with-keep-america-trumpless/
@stadsplanering Trevligt att du har god smak i dubbel bemärkelse!
@Karolina Hurra hurra!
Engineer with University Diploma in Human Rights & Democracy. Job competence: Component Engineer; fiber optics and more components, Component Handling Process and IT System owner. Linux, open source, photography and religion to mention a few interest areas. Joomla for web sites. English and Swedish. Located in Sweden. DM inactivated.
#HumanRights #Democracy #ComponentEngineer #FiberOptics #FibreOptics #Linux #LinuxMint #Joomla #OpenSource #Photography #Religion #Engineer