@olekstomek I haven't checked how often it is updated with stable releases; if there are major releases and then "point releases", like a desktop Linux. Incl minor and major new versions of kernel. What is typically expected?
@Silhelm@artisan.chat I migrated my Blogger to Joomla (a "competitor" to Wordpress) a couple of years ago. But as far as I can recall, I did it all manually, eg copy and paste, and some adjustments after that, and I pasted eg a month to each page/article in Joomla. Ex this page I am pretty sure was on Blogger from start: https://www.hemrin.com/idag/augusti-2013. So I have unfortunately no suggestion for a tool to make it nice and automatic. But I never had so very much material on Blogger, that was always a side-site for me.
@doktorzjivago @joacim Jag har stött på en och annan, om än ej så många. Men det har varit främst eller bara i engelskspråkiga inlägg.
@meraord Grattis! Jag kör Firefox. Jag har någon extra blockerare, men när jag lyfter ändan ur vagnen ska jag troligen byta/komplettera med Ublock Origin. Och då ska jag börja med att kolla Karl Emils inställningsförslag. Han är riktigt kompetent säkerhetsexpert. https://nikkasystems.com/2023/04/14/ublock-origin-installningar-2023/
@olekstomek Nope, I haven't flashed yet!
@Toxa Thanks for recommendation. I think I have a good chance to manage. But it is scary with firmware. Anyway, I successfully swapped to /e/OS on my mobile earlier this year.
@olekstomek Thanks! I have an Archer MR200, it's visible, barely, in the statistics.
@AminiAllight Thanks, sounds good.I also think about that forward looking it will simplify to only learn how OpenWrt works.
@pohokolius@mastodon.cloud Thanks! Acc to their wiki; Sufficient Flash to accommodate OpenWrt firmware image:
- 4MB min (won't be able to install GUI (LuCI))
- 8MB better (will fit GUI and some other applications)
Sufficient RAM for stable operation:
- 32MB min, 64MB better
So, it seems good enough to work acceptable. I was about to buy a new router, this time with OpenWRT in mind from start. But 2nd thought today is I can first give my "old" router a shot and see how OpenWRT works before new purchase.
Do you use OpenWRT on your router? Should I flash my router and replace manufacturer fw with OpenWRT? The considered router latest fw update by manufacturer is 5 years ago. The router spec is good enough for latest OpenWRT (8MB Flash, 64 MB RAM) and is listed. Should I go for OpenWRT? Why? Or, why not? #opensource #foss #openwrt #router
@erikssonskultur Nog värderade han vad Morgan sa.
@shawnp0wers It's discussed also here in Sweden about shortage/high risk for shortage of several drugs now, was in news this week, maybe it was like 8% of all drugs have this risk. There is a work ongoing about fees on drug companies when shortage, but also talked about that for drugs with low volume or low margin, the drug companies/specific drug may instead leave the Swedish market. Not good.
@erikssonskultur Okej, sa han så. Min minnesbild var att han var lite tydligare i Studio Ett men vekare i SVT Aktuellt. Men då var det ungefär samma veka formulering i bägge intervjuerna. I Aktuellt reagerade jag på kängan åt S att de vill skapa inrikespolitisk poäng/diskussion, vilket iofs säkert kan stämma, men det gör ju SD i så fall onekligen också. Tack, minnet och verkligheten stämmer inte riktigt alltid.
@erikssonskultur Ett slags försiktigt kritiserande i diplomatiskt ordalag hörde jag av Strömmer när han var i Dagens Eko idag på direkt fråga.
Engineer with University Diploma in Human Rights & Democracy. Job competence: Component Engineer; fiber optics and more components, Component Handling Process and IT System owner. Linux, open source, photography and religion to mention a few interest areas. Joomla for web sites. English and Swedish. Located in Sweden. DM inactivated.
#HumanRights #Democracy #ComponentEngineer #FiberOptics #FibreOptics #Linux #LinuxMint #Joomla #OpenSource #Photography #Religion #Engineer