My personal website is now approved as preloaded into the HSTS list. In Joomla 4 it is pretty simple to configure the site to meet the requirement for HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS). Check status for sites at #HSTS #joomla
Is this the first copy of "The Best of Hack and /: Linux Admin Crash Course" by Kyle Rankin in Sweden?
Arrived to me today. Published in USA in April, printed on demand in Europe. The topic is of interest to me (although likely some chapters too advanced for my needs), Kyle has good knowledge about the topic and is a good writer and finally I am curious about testing how print on demand works. @kyle #linux #books
Det här är ju lättare sagt än gjort. Verksamhet i kyrkor drivs ofta delvis, mestadels eller helt av ideella personer och frivilliga gåvor. Det finns större kyrkor också förstås. Hur ska en liten förening med öppen verksamhet bedriva säkerhet?
Efter terrorplanerna – MSB uppmanar trossamfund att se över säkerhet - Nyheter (Ekot)
Arrived! My copy of the new book of wisdoms with Blue and his friends @mybigroundworld, assisted by Shawn @shawnp0wers
Now I have read multiple objections to the NitroKey article re Qualcomm, here on Mastodon and other places.
1) Myself, I wonder who is the author? Anyone who knows about him?
2) The article author info refers to a twitter account. That twitter account has no tweets, no photo, very few follow and followers, was opened in April 2023 and has no bio info. Who is he?
3) Finally, I note the article has a new date 26.4.2023 (today).
See two snapshots.
@nitrokey @e_mydata @volla #mobile #privacy
Why? I have a personal website. To the linked article below about Linux driven computers, I got the three comments today that you can see in this snapshot. Not closely related to the topic. I have deleted them. Why are some so full of hatred to other human fellows? Peace and love!
From SVT Aktuellt tonight 6 April (Swedish public TV news); Macron visits Xi in Beijing today. They sit down at a press conference. Xi has a man who assist him with his chair when he sits down, Macron has no assistance. How come (eg either why does Xi need assistance or why is only he given assistance)? Interpretation!?
Isn't this with recovery questions a bit too old school? This from Substack. In order to turn on 2FA, I must first turn on recovery questions. I use the model, that the answers are absolutely not true, and I store my lies in my Password manager. #security #2FA #PasswordManager
Slutkommenterat på Dagens Nyheter. Jag tänkte just kommentera en artikel, det händer inte så ofta. Men det är slut med det. "Hej då kommentarsfältet! Nu finns inte längre möjligheten att kommentera artiklar på DN. Tack alla läsare för ert engagemang!". står det under artiklar nu. Även om mycket kommenteras i sociala medier, så är det ändå synd och konstigt att inte ha en dialog där tidningen själv har äganderoll i kommentarsfältet. Bra dock att det iaf finns mailadress för att kontakta skribent.
It's still long time until winter is over, but we are getting there; spring will arrive!
Garden photo taken a few springs ago.
#spring #flower #photography #photo
Photo details:
Photographer: Henrik Hemrin
Engineer with University Diploma in Human Rights & Democracy. Job competence: Component Engineer; fiber optics and more components, Component Handling Process and IT System owner. Linux, open source, photography and religion to mention a few interest areas. Joomla for web sites. English and Swedish. Located in Sweden. DM inactivated.
#HumanRights #Democracy #ComponentEngineer #FiberOptics #FibreOptics #Linux #LinuxMint #Joomla #OpenSource #Photography #Religion #Engineer