Flashing & shipping /e/-Fairphone 3+ has begun!
Both the /e/-FP3 and /e/-FP3+ can ne ordered (only) at https://esolutions.shop
#degoogled #smartphones #privacy
A couple of days back, #Trisquel 9.0 was released, a fully free/libre #Linux distribution endorsed by the @fsf - congratulations to everyone involved!
The US government takes Google to court, arguing that the company's "conduct is illegal under traditional antitrust principles and must be stopped". It's the biggest antitrust lawsuit Google has ever faced.
#Internet #Freedom
Stop The Veggie Burger Ban - https://proveg.com/stop-the-veggie-burger-ban/ this is Big Meat trying to stop the rise of more sustainable alternatives; don't do it, EU...
Skeptical about Apple and ready to choose a device that respects your freedom instead? Consult the Ethical Tech Giving Guide for our recommendations on how to keep your digital conveniences and freedom at the same time. http://fsf.org/givingguide #appleevent
Every user of Google, Facebook, ... should absolutely watch #TheSocialDilemma
It makes people understand how those services are designed with the ultimate goal to sell your brain time at the highest price.
Show it to Children, show it to Friends!
[Part-time] Assistant System Administrator at Free Software Foundation Europe https://www.fossjobs.net/job/10282/assistant-system-administrator-at-free-software-foundation-europe/ #jobs
In October 2010, I bought my very first laptop, and installed #Linux on it (#openSUSE IIRC). I'm "officially" using Linux for a decade now 🎉
#FreeSoftware #Freedom
The FSF is 35 years old today! We're kicking off a week of celebration and special surprises. Read here to see how you can participate, and join us on 10/09 for a special anniversary livestream! https://u.fsf.org/35w
Great to see that #FreeSoftware #GNUTaler is now operational at Bern University of Applied Sciences https://taler.net/en/news/2020-09.html
Last chance!
Today is the last day to get $300 off the all-new Librem 14!
- Core i7-10710U (Comet Lake) Processor, 6 cores & 12 threads
- Up to 64GB DDR4 memory
- Output 4K Video to two displays
Only 2 more days to get a $300 discount on the upcoming Librem 14, a very promising laptop that respects your freedom!
#FreeSoftware #Linux #Hardware #Privacy
The #sotm2020 opening talk is live now! 🖖https://streaming.media.ccc.de/sotm2020
#FreeSoftware #OpenData
Announcing the all-new Librem 14
A powerful 14" laptop in a 13" footprint
- Core i7-10710U (Comet Lake) Processor, 6 cores & 12 threads
- Up to 32GB DDR4 memory
- Output 4K Video to two displays
More about the Librem 14: https://puri.sm/posts/purism-launches-librem-14-successor-to-security-focused-librem-13-product-line/
Drupal 7's EOL has been moved to November 28, 2022. Drupal 8's EOL remains November 2, 2021. #WebDevelopment #Drupal #FreeSoftware #COVID19
A couple of days ago, Drupal 9 was released. 🎉 The big deal about it is that it's no big deal to upgrade from Drupal 8. Will find out soon!
#WebDevelopment #FreeSoftware #web
Looking for high quality #Drupal themes for a reasonable price? I just launched https://drupalthemes.ink to help you out. In addition, all themes are LibreJS-compatible to respect your freedom.
#WebDevelopment #FreeSoftware
The first batch of /e/-Fairphone3 is currently being flashed!
Will ship on next Monday.
Here should be a list of nouns and adjectives that describes my personality and what I stand for.