The Kyu-shirataki station in #Hokkaido, #Japan, kept running until Kana Harad, the sole person using the station, graduated from high-school so the girl could go to school until she finished. After her graduation, the station was closed down for good on March 25th, 2016.
#RailwaySunday #school #train #railway #Asia #dedication #education
#EtihadRail officially announced a high-speed train line connecting #AbuDhabi and #Dubai. Once completed, the travel time will be reduced to 30 minutes between the two cities at speeds up to 350 km/h. The project is part of the country's #NetZero2050 strategy.
The state-owned railway company also unveiled its first passenger train fleet designed to operate at speeds up to 200 km/h.
#RailwaySunday #Asia #MiddleEast #UAE #UnitedArabEmirates #railway #trains #climate
The Mooka Station (真岡駅, Mooka-eki) in Japan has quite a unique station building that resembles a steam locomotive. It was constructed in 1997 and even features a smokestack and a headlight.
Photo credit: Photo credit: Saniboh/CC BY 3.0.
#RailwaySunday #Mooka #TrainStation #RailwayStation #locomotive #Japan #Asia
It's interesting how #ByteDance argues that the company and #TikTok are entirely independent from #China, but directly admits that the Chinese government will try to prevent a potential sale of the app's recommendation algorithm. You can't have it both ways, ByteDance 💁
#SocialMedia #USA #TikTokBan #court #CCP #privacy #cencorship #app #lawsuit #ban #algorithm
Most locomotives are equipped with a sandbox that contains (surprise 😉) sand. The sand can be dropped on the rail in front of the driving wheels to prevent the wheels from spinning and to improve traction. This might be necessary due to weather conditions like rain and snow, or on steep grades.
#RailwaySunday #locomotive #sandbox #RailwayTrivia #weather
Photo credit: RHaworth/CC BY-SA 4.0.
Another great post by Polish analyst Daniel Szeligowski, about “Russian security concerns” related to #NATO and #Ukraine. All following text is Daniel’s, written originally in English, with no quote block for readability.
In early 2014, Ukraine was a neutral country, with a pro-Russian president, and with 70% of Ukraine’s population against NATO membership. Yet Russia violated Ukraine’s neutrality and annexed Crimea, then launched a covert invasion of Ukraine in the east.
Petro Poroshenko won the presidential election in 2014 having promised a settlement with Russia, keeping a special status of the Russian language in Ukraine. He was initially sceptical regarding NATO accession, underlined Ukraine must rely on its own strength to provide security.
Zelensky also won the presidential election promising to compromise with Russia - to stop shooting, sit down with Putin and talk. He was even more sceptical regarding NATO accession. Asked about NATO, he once famously said he never pays anyone a visit if he has not been invited.
Zelensky was ready to drop Ukraine’s NATO membership bid in an exchange for the Russian troops withdrawing from Ukraine, and the talks were held already before 2022. And yet Putin launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine.
In the first weeks of the invasion, Zelensky was yet again ready to drop Ukraine’s NATO bid. But he wanted to obtain international security guarantees. So Putin put forward demands that Russia must be consulted before any aid would be given to Ukraine in the event of aggression.
Both Poroshenko and Zelensky were initially sceptical regarding Ukraine’s accession to NATO. Both wanted to get a deal with Putin. And Putin himself pushed both of them to seek NATO membership out of no other viable alternatives.
Putin has shown no willingness to compromise with Ukraine. His war aims remain maximalist - subjugating Ukraine and changing its regime. He seeks Ukraine’s partition, and will turn what is left of Ukraine into a Russian protectorate. Nothing to do with his “feelings” about NATO.
Regrettably, Russia’s imperial self-conception is that of Russian elites at large, not just Putin. Russian leadership simply cannot reconcile with the existence of a sovereign Ukrainian statehood. So any sustainable Ukrainian-Russian compromise is currently not within reach.
Antwerpen-Centraal railway station is the main railway station in #Antwerp, #Belgium. Constructed between 1895 and 1905, it is widely regarded as the finest example of railway architecture of the country.
#RailwaySunday #TrainStation #AntwerpenCentraal #Antwerpen #architecture #railways #trains
Photo credit: T meltzer/CC BY-SA 4.0.
Ukraine to further support Syria with humanitarian aid, says Zelenskyy
Hundreds of tonnes of grain have been sent to Syria after the fall of Bashar al-Assad as part of the "Grain from Ukraine" humanitarian programme launched by the Ukrainian leader.
Witaj, Polsko! Welcome, Poland!
With the Polish EU Council Presidency, we will challenge current uncertainties and build a stronger, united Europe for all.
To achieve that, Poland will focus on:
⬜Defence and security
🟥Protection of people and borders
⬜Resistance to foreign interference and disinformation
🟥Ensuring security and freedom of business
⬜Energy transition
🟥Competitive and resilient agriculture
⬜Health security
UN Generalversammlung winkt den globalen Überwachungspakt durch – am 24. Dezember!
Auch wir haben es erst Tage später gemerkt. Klangheimlich hat die UN-Generalversammlung ohne Abstimmung, sondern nur mit einer Laudatio der russischen Vertretung die UN #CybercrimeConvention durchgewunken.
Unsere Medienmitteilung:
Unterschreibe unsere Petition. Wir fordern, dass die Schweiz die Konvention nicht ratifiziert!
⚡Poland prepared to increase energy exports to Ukraine in place of Slovakia, Bloomberg reports.
Poland has expressed willingness to increase electricity exports to Ukraine if Slovakia halts its supply, Bloomberg reported on Dec. 29, citing an unnamed Polish official.
Poland is ready to increase domestic electricity production if Slovakia halts the delivery of backup power supplies to Ukraine, an unnamed Polish official said.
On 22 December 2024, the first metro line in #HoChiMinhCity opened for service. Additional lines are still under construction. Initially the line was planned to open in 2014, but funding issues held the project back.
The rolling stock of 17 trains was suplied by Japanese company #Hitachi. Each train is able to carry up to 930 people and operates at speeds up to 110 km/h.
TIL Kim Dotcom, founder of the controversial Megaupload, was once the world’s top-ranked Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 player. Before his 2012 arrest in New Zealand, he achieved the highest cumulative score in free-for-all mode out of over 15 million players worldwide.
#til #todayilearned
TIL that many printers secretly add microscopic yellow tracking dots to every printed page, encoding the date, time, and printer's serial number to trace documents back to their source.
#til #todayilearned
In the Steam Winter Sale you can get the Sherman Hill: Cheyenne - Laramie Route Add-On for free. The offer ends Jan 3, 2025. Train Sim World 2+ is needed to play the DLC. Other TSW DLCs are on sale with up to 80%. Time to replay your favourite Train Sim 🚆❤️
#Steam #WinterSale #SteamWinterSale #TSW #TrainSimWorld #ShermanHill #Laramie #ComputerGames #PCGame #game #TrainSimulator
Hong Kong police announce bounties on overseas pro-democracy activists
Posted into Asia Pacific News @asia-pacific-news-AlJazeera
Since 1999 the #CPKC #HolidayTrain tours #Canada and the #US in november and december. The goal is to raise money and awareness for #foodbanks. In its 25 years of service, it has collected more than $24.3 million and ~5.3 million pounds of food.
Photo credit: Eric Bégin/CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.
#RailwaySunday #Christmas #xmas #holiday #train #railway #poverty
Renault 5: Frankreichs Antwort auf günstige China-Stromer schlägt voll ein.!505533524?utm_source=mastodon&utm_medium=social-auto&utm_campaign=auto-share
Here should be a list of nouns and adjectives that describes my personality and what I stand for.