#British actor and TV presenter Stephen Fry released a documentary about his trip to #Ukraine. In it, he showed a clip of his meeting with Ukrainian President #Zelenskyy, to whom he told a joke about the russian president and the prime minister.
Watch (20 Second) Insta Reel, Source: U24 Gov UA
Since 2010, the Debian Snapshot service functions as a "wayback machine" that allows access to old packages based on dates and version numbers. However, this service has been in need for big maintenance for quite a while. Luckily, thanks to Glasklar Teknik AB and DSA in June 2024 the service has been migrated to new hardware and is now fully up and running again: enjoy https://snapshot.debian.org/ https://micronews.debian.org/2024/1722416374.html #debian
Fri och öppen e-legitimation https://play.dfri.se/videos/watch/cb75f2ed-11c6-4213-9439-3d5342003b05
Öppet möte om hur vi kan bygga en decentraliserad lösning för fri och öppen e-legitimation, måndag 22 juli klockan 18:
Fri och öppen programvara, öppen specifikation, tillgänglighet, decentralisering.
Alla är välkomna att vara med och hjälpa till!
Läs mer om projektet här: https://www.dfri.se/projekt/e-legitimation/
Projektet var med på konferensen #SamNet nyligen: https://play.dfri.se/w/r8cNMd4LmYaxqnYaUUJ2Mx
#DFRI #FOSS #FLOSS #FreeSoftware #eID #EIDAS #MyData #eleg #elegitimation #demokrati @dfri
I'm very thankful to #Microsoft and #Crowdstrike for this timely demonstration to make it clear, that the budget cuts to the #NGI by the @EUCommission endanger Europe's #digitalsovereignty
About the #CrowdStrike thing:
"the company is “deeply sorry for impact that we’ve caused to customers”"
"Kurtz said there had been a “negative interaction” between the update and Microsoft’s operating system"
I wonder if it might turn out to be possible to come up with some joke where someone explains they are “deeply sorry" for the "negative interaction between ________ and ________".
Millions of linux users around the world had their productivity crippled by #cloudstrike as they all rushed to read the news, post hot takes & dad jokes to their Mastodon feed.
@vmiklos Great, thanks a lot. For other surveillance suffering people, you can find the video on our (not yet officially open) #peertube in the mirrored channel: https://friprogramvarusyndikatet.tv/c/collabora_online_tech_talks
#Angiverilagen får mig att tänka på DDR, den hör inte hemma i en sund demokrati. Viktigt att vi offentligt anställda tar tydlig ställning mot detta.
Skriv under du med, och hjälp regeringen förstå att de är helt ute och cyklar i den här frågan.
Our Software Freedom Podcast has reached the episode number 25! 🎉🎉🎉
You can find all our episodes, in which we talk to people who have inspiring ideas about software freedom, here https://fsfe.org/news/podcast.html
🇬🇧 Is your government supporting #ChatControl? Do you want it to? Help change its position in time for the next vote later this year (it will be extremely tight)!
This is what you can do now to save privacy and encryption:
Det verkar som att Chat Control är på agendan igen:
"Chat control is back on the agenda of EU governments. They will discuss “progress” on 10/11 October and are to endorse it on 12/13 December."
Maila de svenska partierna som stöder Chat Control (S, M, L och KD) och fråga om varför de vill massövervaka alla helt utan brottsmisstanke
Take action to stop chat control now! – Patrick Breyer
Mina privata data känns inte supertrygga i Orbans EU-händer.
Släng Chat Control 2.0-förslaget i soptunnan och bränn det sedan!
Upptäckte att #sverigesradio inte längre erbjuder en rss feed för Sommar och Vinter i P1. Eftersom jag gärna lyssnar på episoderna i min podcatcher så skrev jag ett litet script som skapar en rss som borde funka med alla podcatchers:
Human being. Programmer, sailor, researcher, teacher, student, parent, child, etc. Free/libre and open-source software (FOSS/FLOSS) enthusiast. Likes human rights, including digital rights such as privacy of communication. Casual hacker. On Mastodon since about 2020. Lives in Stockholm. He/him. No DMs.