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@ljo #SWERIK, som jag är rådgivare till, tillhandahåller ett longitudinellt #iterativt #kurerat material från #SverigesRiksdag #1867 och framåt.

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Sweden: The government wants to send a signal to immigrants: "Go home"

The extreme right coalition government in Sweden is no longer hiding it's desire to cleanse Sweden from all othose who are not pure blood Swedes.

I really wish the people in Sweden with non nurdic background could go on strike for a few days to show these lunatics what their advocating.

Most of the active members of the beo Nazi SD and their christian Taliban tail K(s)D has never had a job in their lives and almost entire leadership of their parties have one or more criminal convictions.

But they are doing such a great job blaming Their decades of failed policies on immigrants and the public is buying it.

Regeringen vill sända en signal om att invandrare inte är önskvärda. Vilka konkreta effekter den signalen ger får ”vi väl liksom utvärdera” senare.
#Sweden #Racism #Imigration #Politics #Sverige #Politik #SvPol #Rasiam #Ekonomi…

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Läser för barnen om Törnrosdalen som omgärdats av höga murar så ingen kan komma in eller ut. Där folket svälter och frihetskämpen Jonatan tvingas gömma sig bland civila. De gräver tunnlar under marken och muren och folk gömmer vapen i sina hem för motståndet mot ockupationen.

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Elias boosted

On this day seven years ago I got A FRICKING GOLD MEDAL for my work on #curl. Real. Proper. Gold. From the hands of the Swedish king.

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20 October 1938 | A Dutch Jewish girl, Barbara Aal, was born in Amsterdam.

In October 1944 she was deported to Auschwitz from #Theresienstadt ghetto with her mother Julia. They were both murdered in a gas chamber.

In Swedish, E-identification, FOSS 

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As always, we greatly appreciate the support of PureOS subscribers. Advancing PureOS benefits all Librem devices as well as the larger FLOSS ecosystem. Your support is crucial to that mission.

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Veronica explains what ISO files are and how to make Linux boot media, for anyone who wants to move from Windows/Mac to Linux:


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Elias boosted

New blog post: Weekly GNU-like Mobile Linux Update (41/2024): Successful moves and XMPP calling

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Bra av Centerpartiet att skriva interpellation och kräva svar!

"Chat control fortsätter stöta på motstånd i EU. I sista stund bytte Nederländerna fot och röstade nej till förslaget, efter att landets säkerhetstjänst flaggat för riskerna med den breda övervakningen.
Det har fått Centerpartiet att, i en interpellation till justitieministern, ifrågasätta om någon sådan analys gjorts av svenska regeringen. "


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Have spent some time the last couple of weeks brushing off a merge request from some year ago redesigning the edit POI dialog in GNOME Maps using the newer libadwaita widget styles.

#gnome #gnomemaps #libadwaita #mapstodon #openstreetmap

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It costs money to run a PeerTube server, and without ads, the only thing sponsoring my content is you.

Supporters get a weekly newsletter and more behind-the-scenes fun. I could really use the help to keep going.

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Do you live in one of the countries in red?

If so, your government is pushing for the EU Chat Control law which mandates mass surveillance via fully automated real-time surveillance of messaging and chats


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