@hehemrin I have note yet tried Kagi but I do like the idea of it being a paid service. One of the good things about that I think is that it makes it very explicit that search is something worth thinking about, it's then no longer something automatic that happens without anyone thinking about it. Someone is in control of the search works, and that someone has great power. So it's good to make it clear that how you do search matters, it is a choice, and somewhere there is a cost.
@hehemrin I think Mojeek's index is small in comparison to the big ones, there are many pages that have not been indexed yet, not by Mojeek's crawler yet. The advantage is that is't independent.
Seach engine comparison: Mojeek vs Duckduckgo
Today's search: "skitsystem"
Search result quality: Mojeek is better, includes quality links such as http://javlaskitsystem.se/ and "Boktips: Jävla skitsystem - boken om den digitala arbetsmiljön"
Privacy: Mojeek is better, uBlock Origin blocks lots of bad things for Duckduckgo but nothing for Mojeek. Also, Duckduckgo shows links to "facebook" and "youtube" which are very bad regarding privacy.
Winner in both categories: Mojeek
@doktorzjivago @wetterbom @madders @annamariagronlund @samuel hallå där 🙂
Today, 20 September 2024, is the last day to take part in the EU consultation where everyone can have a say, as FSFE explain here:
"Bring Back Free Software Funding: Give Your Feedback to the European Commission"
I just filled it out, it's quite easy, so now my opionions ("the EU should support Free Software more!") will be in there.
For those reading this, if in the EU: Please take part you too! Today is your last chance. Do it!
@wetterbom följ mig! 🙂
"Vi påstår oss ofta ha lärt oss av det förra århundradets auktoritära regimer, och pratar om “aldrig mer”. Men diskussionen fastnar gärna vid vad de auktoritära regimerna gjorde när de regerat under lång tid, och vunnit full kontroll att styra utan motstånd från andra politiska krafter.
Varje auktoritär utveckling börjar någonstans. Och i efterhand förbannar många att de inte stoppade den i tid. "
Nu krävs ditt motstånd mot auktoritär utveckling | Dagens ETC
@heinragas it's also a hint that people should stay away from those tech companies and stop using their shitty products, whether in the EU or not.
@burnoutqueen what a weird thing to say. I'm in shock.
Don't forget to put IMPLICIT NONE in there.
Vi i Kamratdataföreningen Konstellationen släpper rapporten Kluvna tungor, som handlar om hur riksdagspartierna kommunicerat och agerat i Chat Control.
Vi redogör också svaren på enkäten vi skickade.
C, V, MP och SD svarade på enkäten. De svarade alla “ja” på våra frågor och har därmed tagit tydligt ställning mot Chat Control och massövervakning.
S, M, KD och L svarade inte på enkäten trots flera påminnelser.
@echo_pbreyer “Funny” how the green swab coincides with living memory of state surveilance terror.
🇬🇧Leak on latest #ChatControl attempt (in German): https://netzpolitik.org/2024/interne-dokumente-sperrminoritaet-gegen-chatkontrolle-wackelt/ +++ Only AUT, DEU, EST, LUX, POL, SVN were critical – no blocking minority! +++ BEL, CZE, FIN, ITA, NLD, PRT, SWE undecided +++ EU legal experts confirm violation of our fundamental rights +++ Only 5 days to next discussion +++
Help pressure our governments into defending our #privacy of correspondence and secure #encryption now: https://www.patrick-breyer.de/en/take-action-to-stop-chat-control-now/
@agx wow! How? Is it something with how Calls and Chatty are processing the long list of conversations or calls before they manage to show the list on screen?
@martenbjorklund @selea @laxsill @samuel
> otroligt att något så vitalt inte är plattformsoberoende
Hjälp gärna till här https://www.dfri.se/projekt/e-legitimation/
@catsalad the current version of our privacy policy includes a clause that allows us to update our privacy policy when you least expect it.
Human being. Programmer, sailor, researcher, teacher, student, parent, child, etc. Free/libre and open-source software (FOSS/FLOSS) enthusiast. Likes human rights, including digital rights such as privacy of communication. Casual hacker. On Mastodon since about 2020. Lives in Stockholm. He/him. No DMs.