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> jag missade mötet

Synd. Välkommen på nästa möte, 30 september kl 18, skriv upp redan nu! 🙂

@dfri @fps_gbg

Sammanfattning av öppet möte nr 21 om att bygga egen e-leg-lösning, 9 sept 2024:

Fri och öppen programvara, öppen specifikation, tillgänglighet, decentralisering.

Mer om projektet:

Nästa möte är 2024-09-30 klockan 18. Välkomna att vara med då, oavsett om du varit med tidigare eller inte, alla är välkomna!

@dfri @fps_gbg


> Jag hoppas på både telefon och platta med linux en dag

Håll drömmen vid liv! 😃

@hehemrin @wimi

@craftyguy oh, that's sad.

But I guess it's one of those things where the fact that it's difficult to do a thing (in this case move from makes it even more important to do it. 🙂

Elias boosted

Are you in Stockholm? Come by at the sec-t community day (September 11th, 2pm) and listen to our talk about how to verify TKey and supply chain security.

Elias boosted

dnip, the top Schweizer (Swiss) magazine for tech journalism, published my article about the EU’s proposed chat control regulation in Deutsch (German).

@marcel not only translated, but contributed back to the original English version.

Deutsch is the second most-known language in the EU and one of the 3 official procedural languages. I am still searching for a French publication to do a translation to get all 3.

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Elias boosted

Like, it bears repeating:

Windows 11, by default, takes regular screenshots of your computer. These are analysed for advertisement purposes, you can be sure of it.

Windows Recall blacks out copyrighted material from those screenshots, but not passwords or other sensitive information, including account numbers, TANs, etc.

This is not an issue for my bank.

Mandating spyware-ladden corporate operating systems should be grounds for getting their banking licence revoked.


> we also publish every edition in our website

That's good, but it remains strange that your "SUBSCRIBE" button leads to a page where people are supposed to join something called "Linkedin" before they can subscribe to your newsletter.

I am not interested in "Linkedin", please don't assume that I want to create an account there.

Is it your newsletter, or is it Linkedin's newsletter?

Are you an independent actor, or are you some kind of subsidiary of Linkedin?



> Other folks treat their inbox alone
> as their entire email history

That's me 🙋

Not claiming that it's good, but it does have the advantage that I don't need to do anything to keep it that way.

Elias boosted

Seriously though: I want (okay, demand) a version of Firefox with the "AI chatbot" functionality removed. Not disabled. Removed. I want all code which is specifically designed to connect to OpenAI removed from my computer completely. I do not care if the vampires have promised not to suck my blood. I do not want the vampires in my house in the first place.

Elias boosted

In Swedish, E-identification, FOSS 

@iamsambarton mine recently got stuck on the right side, it doesn't swing anymore 😬

@jajo det där känner jag igen. Det är "Finder"!

Hey @janvlug maybe @mlundblad knows more about that you were asking about the other day.

Elias boosted

The next #Tor relay operator meetup is this Saturday,
September 7 at 19UTC! For the agenda and more info, check out the Tor Forum.

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