@kushal were you there and took the photo yourself?
@nico to understand why #github behaves in messed-up ways, look no further than its owner. Github is owned by #Microsoft - a truly disgusting company.
Abandon github and move to for example Codeberg. Or really anything else, just move far far away from anything Microsoft-related.
"nslookup github.com" --> only ipv4
"nslookup codeberg.org" --> both v4 and v6 as it should be.
> Is there a FOSS alternative payment system?
> Preferably something I can pre-load
> with a fixed amount of credit?
Have a look at GNU Taler https://www.taler.net/en/ @Taler
Over 33,000 sounds are available for free download from the BBC’s sound effects library. “Among the plethora of sounds covered are reindeer grunts, common frog calls and crowds at the 1989 FA Cup Final.” https://djmag.com/news/you-can-now-download-over-33000-sound-effects-bbc-archive
Registration for #InternyetParty closes at 23:59 today! https://internyet.party/invite
What is it? "An offline computer fiesta! Celebration/Experiment focusing on DIY, local gaming and cosiness."
Registrering för #InternyetParty stänger vid 23:59 idag! https://internyet.party/invite
Vad är det? "En dator-fest utan Internet! Firande och experimenterande med fokus på gör-det-själv, lokalt LAN-spelande och trevlig stämning."
"Swedish government accused of trying to ‘outlaw poverty’ over begging ban plans"
This is another example of the ongoing dismantling of human rights in Sweden.
The current Swedish government is doing this together with the "Sweden Democrats" party, rooted in Nazism. But we are not supposed to talk about that.
I personally do *not* like the ongoing creation of a police state. I am ashamed of my fellow Swedish citizens who voted for this shitty, spineless government.
@meraord jag minns från en av böckerna att han hade en metod för att utreda ett fall som gick ut på att man sätter sig i bilen och kör ut på gatan och följer efter en slumpvis vald bil, den leder en då till något man verkligen inte hade väntat sig, men som alltid i slutändan visar sig relevant för fallet! 😃
@ieure @RenewedRebecca I used it to copy zeros to varying memory locations on a Macintosh Plus or something, in that way locating the graphics memory. Found the address where the screen started to get messed up. It was just back and white, one bit per pixel. Sigh. Those were the days.
@snaggen mm precis, mer Mastodon, mindre tiktok, önskar jag mig 🙂 @anderslindberg
Skillnaden mellan att vara ägd och att inte vara ägd.
@ChrisWere to me, you are a hero because of your #peertube videos 🙂 @implementcontrols
@ChrisWere I have a few encrypted external SSDs lying around the house, I connect one of those and dump files there now and then.
@wonderskeptic grundlagen (Regeringsformen) säger i 2 kap. Grundläggande fri- och rättigheter:
"6 § Var och en är gentemot det allmänna skyddad mot påtvingat
kroppsligt ingrepp även i andra fall än som avses i 4 och
5 §§. Var och en är dessutom skyddad mot kroppsvisitation,
husrannsakan och liknande intrång samt mot undersökning av
brev eller annan förtrolig försändelse och mot hemlig
avlyssning eller upptagning av telefonsamtal eller annat
förtroligt meddelande."
@matnis "Consider this a divorce"?
@hehemrin yes_it_is_a_good_rule
@fedithom maybe you need to build from source.
what's the correct way to install @signalapp on a #Fedora machine?
https://signal.org/download/# only provides an official way for #Debian based.
Is this #FlatPak repo official enough?
@neil I really don't know what to say to that.
Awkward silence.
Human being. Programmer, sailor, researcher, teacher, student, parent, child, etc. Free/libre and open-source software (FOSS/FLOSS) enthusiast. Likes human rights, including digital rights such as privacy of communication. Casual hacker. On Mastodon since about 2020. Lives in Stockholm. He/him. No DMs.