@Jonas_Bostrom tack, kan du ge något exempel på vad det skulle kunna handla om? @landetannien
@nilesh heh, "somewhere in the fine print", yes I guess that would be the place where you put things that you know poeople would not really agree to if they understood what it meant 😬
@landetannien jag håller med, det är motsägelsefullt, och oklart vad poängen är med att saker som SJ och liknande gjorts om till "bolag". Nackdelarna är ju uppenbara, alltså det är ju inget riktigt bolag egentligen, det blir oklart vad det så kallade "bolaget" ska göra och varför. Finns det några fördelar, har någonting blivit bättre av att SJ mm gjorts om till bolag?
@janvlug at least for me, in GNOME Maps on a desktop computer (big screen), if I make it show a route then in the bottom-right corner of the screen it says "itineraries provided by" followed by the name of some org. or company or something, from where the itinerary information comes. Then I guess that may be the right place so report issues.
But I don't understand why it works in some places and not others. For me it only seems to work in Sweden, not in the Netherlands, for example. Why?
I'm using a #Librem5 as my daily phone. Yesterday, I discovered that in the #Railway #GNOME app for public transportation planning, you can set #transitous as the routing engine. This works pretty well in the #Netherlands. Highly recommended. Of course you can install it also on your regular Linux computer.
@raiderrobert the dirtier the better?
> I don’t think I have a particularly
> good reason for it - but I don’t
> really like JavaScript
I have a reason which I think is a good one: JavaScript undermines the idea of free software, since if I visit a website that uses Javascript then that means some program runs on my computer and someone else decides what it does, and it may do something entirely different the next time I visit the same website. I want to be in control of what runs on my computer, so I don't like JavaScript.
@mastodonmigration I see now that @noybeu posted about it here https://mastodon.social/@noybeu/112949098191472419
@mastodonmigration thanks!
When he’s not busy being one of our best fiction writers, Ted Chiang has become our best critic of generative AI:
“The programmer Simon Willison has described the training for large language models as ‘money laundering for copyrighted data,’ which I find a useful way to think about the appeal of generative-A.I. programs: they let you engage in something like plagiarism, but there’s no guilt associated with it because it’s not clear even to you that you’re copying.”
@mastodonmigration in what specific way(s) is Musk breaking GDPR laws? @bullivant
@hehemrin ja, "Sverige AB" är ett obehagligt uttryck om man tänker efter lite. Det speciella med aktiebolag är avsaknaden av moral, det är ett sätt att renodla egoism så att frågor om rätt och fel inte tillåts sätta hinder.
Jordbruksverket (The Swedish Board of Agriculture) is Sweden's expert authority in the areas agriculture, fishery and rural areas.
They now have source code on Codeberg! https://codeberg.org/jordbruksverket
As noted in the NOSAD newsletter here https://nosad.se/news_aug_2024 Jordbruksverket are looking to do more joint development together with other orgs in the future.
Are we beginning to see a little bit of "Public Money? Public Code!" in Sweden? 😃 https://publiccode.eu/en/ @fsfe #FOSS #FreeSoftware
The #Transitous integration in #GNOME maps is just great. Instantly turned maps from being unusable here in Vancouver BC to my preferred maps app!
Jag har insett att jag kommer att behöva någon form av #RSS-läsare om jag ska klara av att sluta använda Facebook. Tror att #CommaFeed eller #Feedbin kan vara vettiga alternativ, någon som har provat dessa som har något att säga? Eller har ni kanske andra tips? Tar emot allt jag kan få, har inte använt RSS-läsare på väldigt väldigt länge.
We have been collecting priority missing items for using a GNU/Linux OS on smart phones for daily driving for a few days now.
We had an #XMPP group as well https://xmpp.link/#debphoshfund@chat.disroot.org?join
which is now bridged to #Matrix https://matrix.to/#/#debphoshfund:fortysixandtwo.eu
Some people were reluctant to join codema.in so you might want to join via XMPP or Matrix to get updates, though polls would still happen via codema.in (tracking this in multiple places would be too much work).
Human being. Programmer, sailor, researcher, teacher, student, parent, child, etc. Free/libre and open-source software (FOSS/FLOSS) enthusiast. Likes human rights, including digital rights such as privacy of communication. Casual hacker. On Mastodon since about 2020. Lives in Stockholm. He/him. No DMs.