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@bagder I love curl, but decided to boycott this particular survey because of my intense google-phobia (looked like google forms). I hope google feels the pain from my boycott. 😄

Maybe try or or something?

Anyway, you can have my vote here: curl is great, I give it 5/5 in awesomeness score.

@fesshole good call. I think most other differences can be worked around in a relationship, but for that you really need to be on the same page. When the apocalypse comes there's no time to argue.

@Yishay yes, that's a big downside with Signal and something I really hope they will improve. In addition to people who don't have a smartphone, there are also people who use a different smartphone than iOS or Android, like various GNU-like variants, for them Signal is also difficult to use.

I avoid iOS and Android phones for privacy reasons. Signal is supposed to be good for privacy, then it should work to easily register an account without iOS or Android.

@signalapp @Mer__edith

Elias boosted

so tired of #signal app. How can I criticize it when I’ve never used it I would like to use it. I would like to use it very much. However I don’t own a smart phone. Which means I can’t register a desktop app which intern means I can’t use signal as even trying to create a virtual I machine running, android to download the mobile app to register my desktop app. Which failed. I don’t care how much you improve it until you’re actually inclusive. Signal is not a good app. You might also want to think about who are the people they don’t have access to their own smart phone. Think about other ways for users to register without a smart phone please. (running macos desktop)

#crypto @signalapp #singalapp #telegram #security #digitalsecurity

@marcusosterberg man kan lita på Ulf Kristersson på det sättet, att han alltid viker ner sig. Man vet var man har honom.

@hehemrin jag undrar, nämner han i sitt brev att han kommit fram till sina nya insikter (att mänskliga rättigheter inte är så viktigt) i samarbete med ett parti med rötter i nazismen?

@Blf_tpe good luck with it!

It can be hard to break free, that's not surprising given that your opponents are trillion-dollar companies and vendor lock-in is what they do best. 🙂 But all the more important to break free, otherwise they will lock you in even more tightly in the future.

@linmob @thomasfuchs @Pschiller

Elias boosted

Funding available for (individual) #FOSS #developers and projects.

#NLnet is seeking project proposals between 5.000 and 50.000 euro.

Currently open for proposals:
1️⃣ #NGItaler (electronic payment related)
2️⃣ #NGImobifree (mobile software)

Closing date: 1 June 2024

Easy to submit a proposal:

More information:


#MobileLinux #Linux #opensource #librem5 #pinephone #payment #mobile #phone #software #grant #EU #mobian


mm det där är lite som att någon säger

"jag kan bara acceptera förändringar så länge de inte innebär något obekvämt för mig i min vardag"

invändning: "men allt är på väg att gå oåterkalleligt åt helvete om vi fortsätter som nu"

svar: "jag kan ändå bara acceptera förändringar så länge de inte innebär något obekvämt för mig i min vardag"

Så vi ska alla leva bekvämt och precis som vanligt, ändra fram till kollapsen, tydligen. Vi vill ju inte "uppoffra oss".

@Blf_tpe I recommend looking into GNU-like - see @linmob who posts lots of good stuff about that.

Using a myself but there are other options. It's best to stay away from both iOS and Android, including FOSS Android variants because with Android you are still too much governed by Google, they decide what's in the next Android version and you just follow. But of course a "de-Googled" Android is still infinitely better than iOS or stock Android.

@thomasfuchs @Pschiller

@thomasfuchs @Pschiller the upside here is that this news will hopefully make more people understand that when you use an Apple device, you do not own that device. Apple owns it. Apple owns you. They decide what you can and cannot do. You have no privacy, not from them. They can view everything on your device if they want to, it's all closed-source that only they control.

The proper solution is for people to stop using Apple devices, and start using operating systems.

Elias boosted

@zegkljan The old instance was created, hosted and managed by @EDPS as part of a pilot project. As the pilot project was coming to an end, we decided to create a new instance to ensure our continued presence on Mastodon. The new instance is hosted and managed by the European Commission and has no expiry date. We are grateful to EDPS for their pilot that brought amazing engagement and opened the doors to a passionate community. (2/2)

@Monerotopia hi, I'll try to join today hoping to talk about my paper about an idea to handle increased transaction rates:

"Ticket-based multi-strand method for increased efficiency in proof-of-work based blockchains":

Hoping for feedback from some developers or other people who know a lot about the scaling issues.

@jonaslarsson @normalniklas

> 203,3 miljarder USD

> 21 miljard $

Kan nog vara så att den större siffran är intäkter (totala mängden pengar in) och den mindre siffran är vinst (intäkter minus utgifter).

Vill man ha en siffra till kan man titta på börsvärdet ("market cap") som jag tror är uppe över två tusen miljarder USD nu. Jag tänkte skriva alla nollorna men är rädd att det inte får plats pga teckenbegränsningen här 😅

Det läskiga är att de troligen kommer växa ännu mer pga sitt monopol.

@nyquildotorg @Outersider

> any other search engine

Mojeek is an interesting one that is independent, they build their own index built using their own crawler, not relying on any of the big ones.

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