@thomasfuchs @Pschiller the upside here is that this news will hopefully make more people understand that when you use an Apple device, you do not own that device. Apple owns it. Apple owns you. They decide what you can and cannot do. You have no privacy, not from them. They can view everything on your device if they want to, it's all closed-source that only they control.

The proper solution is for people to stop using Apple devices, and start using operating systems.

@eliasr @thomasfuchs @Pschiller Agreed. I’m doing just that, quite ok for desktop, way harder for mobile, what do you recommend?

@Blf_tpe I recommend looking into GNU-like - see @linmob who posts lots of good stuff about that.

Using a myself but there are other options. It's best to stay away from both iOS and Android, including FOSS Android variants because with Android you are still too much governed by Google, they decide what's in the next Android version and you just follow. But of course a "de-Googled" Android is still infinitely better than iOS or stock Android.

@thomasfuchs @Pschiller

@eliasr @linmob @thomasfuchs @Pschiller I’m gonna look into it thanks - after I transition my laptop, will take a while 😜 I worry about some apps like Line though that I must have and may be not easily replaceable.


@Blf_tpe good luck with it!

It can be hard to break free, that's not surprising given that your opponents are trillion-dollar companies and vendor lock-in is what they do best. 🙂 But all the more important to break free, otherwise they will lock you in even more tightly in the future.

@linmob @thomasfuchs @Pschiller

@eliasr @linmob @thomasfuchs @Pschiller Haha for me I don’t feel it’s opponents. It’s just that I appreciate the oss community better :)

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