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Ok, my final struggle was getting to switch to the new . It seems that GnuPG was architected around a single smartcard per private key. Seems fine as a recommendation, but problematic as a strict requirement. It seems that GnuPG 2.4 has changed this, but I don't know the details.

Here's my switch scripted hack:

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Jeder Mensch sollte wissen dürfen, was der Staat in aller Namen tut und wo unsere Steuergelder hinfließen. Wir sind deshalb heute beim Hearing im Verfassungsausschuss. Macht braucht Kontrolle & 🇦🇹 ein Grundrecht auf Informationsfreiheit.

Just migrated my and key setup to a new . This only took about 8 hours whereas when I last did this in 2015, it took much longer. I guess this is a sign of process! But these things are still too painful. At least now, the software just works right out of .

Persistent surveillance sold as a cure for loneliness (alienation, isolation, etc) is, IMO, one of the central marketing narratives of the surveillance business model.

But it's rarely put as plainly as this!

The US #Supremecourt has declined #Twitter's legal challenge to publicly disclose national security subpoenas. 👨‍⚖️

At Tuta, we pride ourselves on #privacy and #transparency. Our warrant #canary is live and regularly updated. This is one reason among many that keeping your data securely #encrypted within the EU has major privacy advantages over the US. 📣

You can check out our transparency report and live warrant canary here:

🧑‍🎨 Du hast Lust, die Netzpolitik anschaulicher & bunter zu gestalten und den zivilgesellschaftlichen Impact zu erhöhen? 📢 Dann komm in unser Team als ehrenamtliche Grafiker:in! Wir suchen immer projektbasierte Unterstützung. 😊

Nice: you can launch Quark Engine from JADX. This was added in 2021, but I had missed the features.
Maybe I should tell JADX to integreate DroidLysis ;-)

#quark #JADX #Android #malware

This week in F-Droid (TWIF) was published again. We have some short sentences about:

- The new app AndroidIDE: no NDK support and F-Droid client does not build (yet)
- NewPipe updates still not reproducible
- SimpleX Chat update also for arm64
- Smoke and SmokeStack with new icon and older Android versions

On top of that, we updated 75 more apps.


@FAU oops I mistranslated the country code ES, it should be Spain not Estonia.


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The NGI0 Commons fund is now up and running with 21.6M€ available for open source projects:
First call will open 1st February. Stay tune.

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We invite you to our webinar on security audits tomorrow, Thursday January 11, at 13.00 CET.
Radically Open Security / @ros 's Melanie Rieback and Andrea Jegher will explain and demonstrate how security audits work.
ROS is the world’s first not-for-profit computer security consultancy company. As an NGI0 partner it offers security audits to all projects within the #NextGenerationInternet initiative.
The webinar is open to all and no need to register.

The American Dialect Society has announced that its 2023 Word of the Year is "Entshittification". 💩

The decline in quality of service and content from #google and #amazon is plain to see, but this doesn't need to be the future of the internet. 🤖

You can help make the web a better place by choosing free and open source alternatives to #BigTech! ✊

At the beginning of 2023, there was a sudden increase in the rate of growth of bandwidth usage on the . I can't think what might have caused such a dramatic, acute event. It is really an elbow. Any ideas?


Countries by percentage total bandwidth usage in 2023:

44.88% Germany
11.30% China
9.52% United States
3.25% Italy
2.33% United Kingdom
2.04% Russia
1.96% Estonia
1.88% Austria
1.85% France
1.59% Canada
1.50% Switzerland
1.40% Netherlands
1.25% Poland


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So I messing around a bit more with stats data from the mirror hosted by @FAU in Germany:

* About 25% of the bandwidth of the mirror is for
* Countries by percentage total bandwidth usage since /fdroid/ was added in 2019:

47.83% Germany
9.04% United States
5.13% China
3.68% Italy
2.69% France
2.55% United Kingdom
2.07% Russia
1.93% Switzerland
1.87% Estonia
1.82% Poland
1.70% Austria
1.40% Netherlands
1.38% Czechia
1.28% Canada


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We are happy to announce the launch of the new NGI0 Commons Fund. It's aim is to reclaim the public nature of the internet.

Offering small and medium-sized grants for free and open source projects across the entire technology stack.

First call opens February 1. If you are working on a project that contributes to reclaiming the public nature of the internet, do apply.

With many thanks to the @EU_Commission 's #NextGenerationInternet initiative.

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