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15,000 call on FTC to protect the Right to Repair.

If you own it, you should be able to repair it.

Looks like the UK has also exported basically zero vaccine.

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I just thought of a potential limitation of 's new QUERY_ALL_PACKAGES permission that might make it almost pointless: apps can create an Intent and query for which apps respond to that Intent.
It seems like with a small set of Intents, you could effectively query for the vast majority of the apps. Can anyone confirm this?

If so, it seems like they've created the INTERNET permission again, as in a permission that only restricts good actors, and bad actors can easily circumvent it.

The Tor Project is hiring for two positions: a Systems Administrator and a Browser Developer. Share these opportunities with your networks:

Clearview AI, the facial recognition company that built a database of 3 billion+ harvested images, wouldn't exist "w/out Facebook, YouTube & Twitter."

@zittrain & @john_bowers_ on how the start-up exploited vulnerabilities & disregarded privacy:

Original tweet :

If you think the rates are "bad", consider that the US banned vaccine exports, while the EU is exporting half of what it produces. The rest of the world matters too, even if you look at it from a point of view of self-interest.

Big Tech is seeding watered-down “privacy” legislation in states. 14 of 20 proposed state privacy bills were built upon the same framework as a Microsoft and Amazon-supported bill in Virginia—or were even weaker, reports @toddfeathers in @themarkup

“Once you look at the states, and you look at how they behave [in #Assange case], it’s absolutely clear: when they receive evidence for war crimes, they don’t prosecute anybody, they only prosecute the person who has given the evidence. That is not what the rule of law in constitutional democracy looks like, that is what a dictatorship looks like”

This guy is bloody fkn UN rapporteur, eminent doctor in law, not some random raving lunatic...

#FreeAssangeNow #WikiLeaks


61 MEPs from different political groups just asked the EU to ban biometric mass surveillance, days before proposes new laws on AI.

#ReclaimYourFace #BanThisBS #ArtificialIntelligence #Biometrics #MassSurveillance


Own a digital device? Big Tech abuses copyright law to block you (and potential competitors and innovators) from tinkering with their products—even the ones you pay for. EFF’s @caragagliano and @mitchstoltz will testify that tech users deserve better.

Die EU-Kommission hält unbeirrt an ihren Plänen zur Abschwächung der Kryptografie (Ende-zu-Ende Verschlüsselung) fest! Nichts an diesem brandgefährlichen Plan ist zu Ende gedacht und es läuft leider auf anlasslose Massenüberwachung für alle hinaus.

Another day, more privacy washing from Google.

Google Play Store is labeling apps as "Teacher approved", which is meant to be read as "kid-safe", but advocacy groups have filed an FTC complaint for deceptive labeling, as some of these apps violate COPPA.

Original tweet :

Don't be fooled: Google's latest announcement on third-party cookies doesn't mean it will stop tracking you. We’ve built a new site to tell you whether or not you are a test subject in Google’s latest tracking experiment:

I should also add that food factories are not necessarily high impact on the environment, if utilized correctly. If an organic food factory replaced a much larger piece of farmland, and that land was returned to an entirely natural state, that will be beneficial. Instead, it is almost always used to grow off-season foods, like strawberries in Spring and Fall. That means it is just increasing negative impacts on the ecosystem.

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After ~15 years of organizing video conferences in many contexts, I've noticed that each platform represents a specific culture. The culture is defined by how the software expects people to interact, how the various powers are granted, and how the moderation capabilities are managed. are a corporate meeting, is an informal meeting space, is 1990s IM merged with desk phones, is SMS/mobile calls, is 1990s IM merged with SMS/mobile calls.

I always had this picture of a beautiful natural setting when I thought of farming. That's how it is so often portrayed. The reality in the is that produce comes from food factories that have the same impact on the ecosystem as any other massive factory. The whole area is paved and roofed, the soil, insect, and bird life is wiped out, and the crops are grown in highly controlled, factory conditions. Watch the industry video to see the whole picture

I'm currently working on a #Pixelfed client called Resin, designed to prevent social media addiction. To hear more about it, check out:

And for more about its design philosophy:
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