RT @ajplus@twitter.com
This city in Namibia tore down the statue of German commander Curt Karl Bruno von François, who carried out a massacre of Indigenous people.
@Aurimas @grote ok, no luck so far, there are still bugs with #Kotlin #Multiplatform and #Gradle verification.
@Aurimas wow that's quite a script! Thanks for sharing it, I think it might help solve a really annoying problem that @grote and I have been struggling with https://gitlab.com/fdroid/fdroidclient/-/issues/2475
Want to improve Mastodon's Single Sign On support? I've hacked the #SSO #OIDC code to retrieve the roles from the auth server, but don't actually know ruby or rails or #OAuth so this PR could use more experienced eyes. https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/pull/21787
now this is interesting, Meta is claiming to have busted a #US Military social media #disinfo campaign: https://about.fb.com/news/2022/11/metas-adversarial-threat-report-q3-2022/
Gelebte Neutralität, auf österreichische Art: Russlands Sat-Spionage im Visier der NSA (Luftiges Video, von Nachahmungen dieses Stunts wird dringend abgeraten) https://fm4.orf.at/stories/3029201/
#Introduction time! I'm rysiek. On fedi since before it was fedi — I see you, old StatusNet guard!
Did information security and infrastructure for #PanamaPapers journalists, fought #ACTA on the streets and in meetings, helped write the book on #NetNeutrality, started a hackerspace and a half, and wrote a bunch of code.
Media literacy is a human right. Protocols, not platforms. Communities, not customers. User-Authored Works, not user-generated content.
Now that I'm focused on #FDroid client development, I have lots of time to toot because Gradle/Android builds take so damn long as compared to Python. 😂 😭
@fdroidorg Plus it looks like the operators of the official mirrors are getting about 2TB a day of traffic, at least until we added a couple more official mirrors, you can see that sudden drop in the fau.de statistics: https://ftp.fau.de/cgi-bin/show-ftp-stats.cgi?statstype=2&what=bytes&mirrorname=fdroid×pan=-1&graphsize=large&submit=Go%21
I was giving a computing ethics lecture about #FOSS and #antifeatures around 2014. Lots of folks there had never even heard of #FDroid. Maybe it's still not well-known?
F-Droid is a repository and platform for FOSS on Android. Their app can manage your other apps, much like you do with the Google Play Store.
When I need an Android app for something, I always check F-Droid first, just because the apps are trustworthy.
I'll reply with a few of my favorite apps on F-Droid... 🧵
@strypey @fdroidorg The newly installed F-Droid should be able to update apps just fine. Hard to know about the install/cancel bug, based on that issue. If you have info for how we can reproduce the issue, then please file an issue on GitLab.
I guess the tricky part there is that those stub classes need to be named the same as the proprietary dependencies, including the gradle lines. I wonder if it would make sense to have a #Maven repo that parallels Maven Central and maven.google.com that just contains stub libraries with the same Maven coordinates as the proprietary libs that many projects depend on.
#Gradle and #Java both operate by loading all dependencies and classes that are used in a project, unlike C or C++, which can #ifdef them out. This makes #FreeSoftware a bit harder when touching proprietary libraries, since all dependencies must be present at build time. If a build requires proprietary blobs, the resulting binaries cannot be free software. One workaround is to make free stub classes in build flavors to replace the proprietary build dependencies when building.
Tired of your weather app violating your privacy, e.g. by instantly collecting your location data?
Worried because it has tracking software included?
You may try out the privacy-friendly #TinyWeatherForecastGermany , available at #fdroid :
This is a #floss #android #weather #app using precise and detailed #opendata from the #dwd (Deutscher Wetterdienst).
Supports #forecasts for over 5000 places worldwide, a rain radar and weather warnings for Germany.
After years of being one of the few to keep pushing dependency verification and even #PGP signatures on binaries, while getting responses like "gpg in 2022? wtf?", it is gratifying to see that not only has #Gradle full adopted this workflow, but also #Android developers at Google:
@ShallowWater@mas.to @gloam@mastodon.sdf.org @jxyzn @mattblaze It goes deeper than not being Twitter, Twitter comes from startup and corporate culture, where users are the product. Mastodon comes from free software and hacker community culture, were users are people that you want to communicate with, free from abuse from random people on the internet.
RT @pixeldetracking@twitter.com
Migrating http://maps.google.com to http://google.com/maps, a benign change?
Not really, now Google has permission to geo-track you across all of its services, cf. https://garrit.xyz/posts/2022-11-24-smart-move-google 😈
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/pixeldetracking/status/1596087028986556418
RT @alvar_f@twitter.com
~2 Jahre hat eine Arbeitsgruppe der Konferenz der unabhängigen Datenschutz-Aufsichtsbehörden von Bund und Ländern (DSK) versucht, Nachbesserungen bei Microsoft 365 zu erreichen.
👉 Zusammenfassung des Berichts der AG zu #MS365: https://datenschutzkonferenz-online.de/media/dskb/2022_24_11_festlegung_MS365_zusammenfassung.pdf
Festlegung der DSK: 👇
After two years of negotiations with Microsoft, the joint committee of the German federal data protection authority and 17 state regulators (DSK) published a devastating statement that essentially says that organizations currently cannot use MS365 in a lawful way under the GDPR.