Looks like the latest @phosh -rc brings in some nice eye candy improvements: visible background in the app overview, background transparency on the quick settings/notifications page, it almost feels like a christmas present! 😃️🌲️

#Phosh #LinuxMobile #MobileLinux #LinuxOnMobile

iio-sensor-proxy 3.6-RC1 is just released! Just in time before Christmas! 🥳🥳🥳
Me and @agx took over the maintenance from @hadessuk a while back and this is our first release.
This release is packed with many nice features and bugfixes! If all turns out well, we will tag a final 3.6 release soon.


#sensors #Linux #linuxmobile

Not only Python is struggling to make everyone update from 2 to 3

If you are working on Free and Open Source technologies that improve the digital landscape for everyone, know that NGI0 offers financial & practical support.
We offer grants between €5k - €50k, open to everyone.
Calls currently open:
NGI0 Commons Fund: Reclaim the public internet
NGI TALER: Privacy-preserving digital payments
NGI MobiFree: More ethical mobile software
NGI Fediversity: Creating the hosting stack of the future
Deadline February 1, 2025

Your GitHub account now includes one free hour in the ball pit

Folks, I am stunned.

An almost 200-page official draft of a 10-year National Digitization Strategy (yeah, the title leaves a bit to be desired), published recently by the Polish Ministry of Digital Affairs, does not mention "hackers" or "hacking" once.

Not once! :blobcat:

It goes deep into cyber threats, cybersecurity, etc. It mentions "hacktivists" one single time, but in a way that doesn't even make me cringe.

But finds no need to besmirch the hacker community. :blobcatcoffee:


are you a programmer? do you like heavy metal? would you like to be *really upset* by a music video?

do i have something for you.


Cześć! Pisaliśmy Wam wczoraj o pozwie dla posłanki @polamatysiak który jest ewidentnie SLAPP-em (uciszającym pozwem). Jak wiecie nasza organizacja wspiera osoby dotknięte takimi działaniami prawnymi. Od piątku prowadzimy zbiórkę na opłacenie prawników, którzy udzielają pomocy w ramach naszej poradni, bo SLAPP to w Polsce spory problem. I dziś z okazji Międzynarodowego Dnia Praw Człowieka można zrobić coś dobrego wspierając ochronę wolności słowa - siecobywatelska.pl/walcz-ze-sl Z góry dziękujemy za wszystkie wpłaty.

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