It was my 11th 0h creation - if you're (for some reason) interested, you can find all my other similarly playable, awe-inspiring and thought-provoking pieces at
We have just time traveled an hour here in Europe, which means it was time for another 0h Game Jam, which is a game jam where you make games in 0 hours with 0 hour quality. Here's my masterpiece.
Do I know anyone who works at DuckDuckGo (or anyone who knows someone who does)?
We’ve been seeing a persistent issue with search results in GNOME Web failing due to an issue with the r.duckduckgo.com¹ redirect. As far as we can tell, this is on DuckDuckGo’s side, but we’d love to work with them to better understand what’s going on.
The patch got merged and the 2004 build of "Zjedz trawkę!" is now published:
Now just let me quickly prepare a merge request for FluidSynth to solve another issue I've noticed... 😂
These past few years have been quite dark times for me, financially and mentally. But a new story has been brewing in my head and I finally started designing a new game in the world of "Karambola".
But I can't do it without your support. Now is your chance to help me out, while also getting this shiny new artbook with lots of sketches and design secrets from behind the scenes. And I've just made it 25% OFF.
Thank you <3
Hi, I'm dos. ~80 silly FLOSS games, open smartphones, terrible music. 50% of @holypangolin; 100% of he/him/any. I don't receive DMs.