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@dos @postmarketOS yes I presume OpenEZX might have been the first attempt at open source software for the application processor of a smartphone. At least I didnt know any other such project back then. It sadly never went very far, as several key contributors including I got "distracted" with doing #openmoko - but that was also a good thing, of course

@postmarketOS Actually, which project could be considered the first one? 🤔 Let's ignore PDAs as their history is longer.

The earliest one I'm personally aware of is @LaF0rge's OpenEZX from 2005, targeting Motorola's Linux phones.

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Seems @postmarketOS is now successful enough for some people to think it was the first community-run GNU-like/Linux distro for phones.

Let me remind you that SHR would turn 17yo this year, and it wasn't even the first one. I bet some contributors are younger than that 😄

Flow –the animated sensation of the year– was created in Blender! Francesco had a chat with director Gints Zilbalodis to discuss his experience working on the film. The interview covers topics such as learning Blender, working with a team (actually multiple small teams), using add-ons, and single-handedly lighting and rendering the film. Enjoy: #b3d

Really had an amazing day at #FOSDEM today. The #LinuxOnMobile stand was absolutely *heaving* all day (as were our neighbouring @postmarketOS and @calyxos stands) even after all the other stands had left.

So much interest in #AsteroidOS, #SailfishOS, #Mobian and @linmob So great to see so many new and familiar faces.

My only regret is that I didn't get to go to any talks. I'll have to set aside two weekends to watch all the videos!

If you're at #FOSDEM and interested in running #Linux on your phone or watch (you should be!) then swing by the #LinuxOnMobile stand on Saturday or Sunday in building K, stand K1-C-6! We'll have #AsteroidOS, #Mobian, #SailfishOS, the @jolla Mind2 and more to test out and try. @linmob will be there with stickers and insight. Plus @postmarketOS and @calyxos are right next door!

Getting ready for the #fosdem #LinuxOnMobile devroom. Matrix chat room

I remember when the first Open Movie Project was coming along almost 20 years ago - and today I just came back from the cinema having watched a movie that I only incidentally learned was completely made in Blender 🐈‍⬛

"Flow" was so intense though, I wasn't prepared for that 😭

Wanna know what's new in #phosh? @devrtz will give a short overview in the FOSS on Mobile devroom at #FOSDEM this weekend:

The devroom has a bunch of interesting talks on #LinuxMobile (and other #foss OSes):

The second part of the TVN24 reportage about the train locks will air today 20:30 CET! (Polish only, unfortunately)

Sieć Obywatelska Watchdog wydała ciekawy komentarz dotyczący naszej sprawy, analizując ją pod kątem bycia SLAPP-em -

well, I had a cool idea tonight. I made a midi looper thingy where you play for a bit to seed a markov chain and then when your done playing it keeps going. It works really well :O

Some come out of the closet, some prefer to stay inside.

(low light, high exposure time)

Current state of the 🌎 shows how important it is that the 📱 in our pockets can stay free of surveilance and be used as their users intend to, not any corporation.

This is even more motivation to hack on #phosh and #LinuxMobile

Celebrate 5 years of Indiepocalypse and supporting and celebrating indie games with Indiepocalypse #60!

-10 curated games for $15!
-Newly commissioned game by
@komi_tsu & Shoto Hayakawa (
-Cover by Yuko Ono (

Games by
and more!

🚀 Mesa 24.03 + etnaviv = Multiple Render Targets (MRTs)!
The latest release of Mesa 24.03 brings exciting news for the etnaviv GPU driver: support for Multiple Render Targets (MRTs)!

Learn how it was made happen:

#etnaviv #mesa

I believe I just spent a few hours debugging what turned out to be nothing more but rev 1 PSRAM cache errata 😫

phosh 0.44.0 is out 🚀📱:

🙏 to everyone who contributed to this release.

There's 🐛 fixes and improvements, check out the full release notes at for details or see 👇 for a short 🧵

#phosh #librem5 #pinephone #gtk #wlroots #gnome #linux #mobile #LinuxMobile

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