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This is Sway in HDR mode, but unlike last time, there are no hacks nor tricks. It supports both SDR and HDR content on both SDR and HDR outputs. Phew!

Want to try it out? Instructions here:

@dzwiedziu @m0bi My mamy gminę @brwinow :) I @fedigov próbujące bardziej zakropkować tę mapę.

@wariat @dzwiedziu @m0bi Nie dziwi - Niemcy od dawna mają bardzo silnie rozwiniętą sieć hackerspace'ów i największy w Europie klub hakerski, co nie pozostaje bez wpływu na instytucje publiczne, zwłaszcza na szczeblach lokalnych. To efekt dekad działania.

For those interested, I’ve pushed the firmware that implements the necessary alt-mode dance to get UART out of the 's USB-C port to ’s repository.

It wasn’t pushed before because it was very crude and I wanted to clean it up before pushing. It still is, but I decided to actually get it out regardless rather than risk having it sit and wait for even more months 😛

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@alexadeswift @agturcz Actually, they all do seem to be somewhat connected to vitamin D at least 😉

@alvaro Yeah, that depends on the device's design. The one that prompted me to make this board uses TPS65982 which handles muxing autonomously, so that would work; but with something like FUSB302 - not really.

@alvaro One more spec-compliant option that may be worth mentioning that doesn't require an on-board plug as DAM does is PD Alternate Mode - at least in case you already do PD on the target, otherwise it may be overkill 😁

I made an STM32G0-based board to trigger custom alt-modes with power and USB passthrough some time ago; instead of JTAG it breaks UART out, but the principle is the same:

@hspoz Gratki! Dawno nie byłem; czy wciąż siedzą tam pyrkonowcy? 😁

I'm not sure which of you need to hear this, but:

If you push yourself to your limits and burn out for a company, you are trading years of your future productivity for minor gains in the present.

Burning out will _fuck you up_, it's like brain fog or depression, and it takes years to recover

@confluency I've been using Tab Center Reborn with a bit of custom CSS for ages. Native vertical tabs still feel somewhat clunky to me. Could probably live with them after some restyling, but this still works well so I don't bother 🤷

When discussing digital independence, keep in mind that it works differently for proprietary products and FOSS.

To achieve independence from a proprietary software or service you need to _get out_ - stop using it, create and switch to an alternative.

To achieve independence with FOSS projects, you need to get _in_ - invest resources (human, infra,.. not money) in the project and its ecosystem, so that it becomes yours.

Congratulations to Gints Zilbalodis and the entire Flow film crew for the Academy Award win!

Flow is the manifestation of Blender’s mission, where a small independent team is able to create a story that moves audiences worldwide.

Thank you for the shout out! 🧡 #b3d

@pecet Dwójka to najlepszy Shrek. Szkoda, że nigdy nie zrobili trzeciego.

Discrete Fourier transform is one of the most important algorithms in computing but it's also one of the worst-explained ones. You can go through pages of search results and not find a single accessible explanation of *why* it works.

A while back, I put together an explainer. I don't think it ranks highly in search, but if you want to understand the algorithm behind a lot of multimedia compression algorithms & filters, here's your chance:

@emill1984 @wonziu Na pewno nie w żaden sposób zgodny ze specyfikacją, no chyba, że mikrofon XLR będzie robił za hosta USB 😭

@wonziu @emill1984 Niby fragmenty opisu sugerują ADC, ale zarazem nie ma podanych absolutnie żadnych jego parametrów, i do tego to gniazdo USB-A... 🙈 Im dłużej patrzysz, tym bardziej straszy.

@wonziu @emill1984 No właśnie nie. Kminię, kminię i kminię i wykminić nie mogę czym i po co właściwie jest ten kabel. Zasilanie 5V po XLR? Z dźwiękiem to to raczej nie ma nic wspólnego, "Remote Audio" to nazwa producenta.

@arek @sysek Tak może być wygodniej jeśli grasz jakiegoś głośnego rocka i chcesz by dźwięk z pieca był w stanie wzniecać struny.

@sysek Ja mam Mustanga I 20W, nigdy nawet nie rozkręciłem na maksa 😜

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