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Since #phosh made lockscreen widgets a plugin, I actually found it is prettty easy to make one yourself! I have been playing around with one that displays emergency info and emergency contacts.

Is there anything obvious I am missing from it? I got these from Android. Note that a user can add/remove/edit Emergency Contacts as they wish. (My hope is to merge this back into Phosh proper).

We're supposed to be productive all the time..but these days my 'productivity' is thinking, looking at trees and hopefully some ideas make connections in my head slowly. From outside you'd see me just sitting around.

This is supposed to be my storyboard, but my thoughts are so chaotic and my ideas usually emerge during the creative process so I guess the planning won't get much better.
Anyone relate?

#trees #winter #snow #thoughts #creativity #artist #artistdesk #artistlife #behindthescenes

We are about to post an CS update for Glasgow. I wanted to share some more pictures of the PnP machine changeover before that happens. It took a week of work just to change over my poor Quad PnP machine. First I had to pull out one of each part from the part boxes. (some extra context in the image alt text) 🧵

"Ninja janitor's delight" - my new clothes line ;) Photos inspired by absurdity of fashion photography. Clothes inspired by my huge sensory issues, comfort needs and huge belly not anticipated by clothes shops. Both pants have 2 regulations of waist width for super comfort.
I am just learning so be kind;)

#fashion #clothes #diy #craft #sewing #artist #autism #sensory #comfort #pants #cozy #warm

So, there will be a #LinuxMobile devroom at #FOSDEM :)
If you're interested in presenting there, now would be a good time to submit a proposal ;)


#MobileLinux #Mobile #Linux

Just for fun - a day's worth of temperature data as collected by seven different sensors all next to each other (MCP9700A, BMP180, BMP280, DHT11, AHT20, SHT30 and DS18B20). Note how the offsets used on the second graph are all within the stated accuracy of their respective sensors 😊

Worth noting that MCP9700A data is negatively affected by poor ADC that I used (D1 Mini's ESP8266) and doesn't actually represent the quality of the sensor itself. All the other sensors are digital though.

This is the original drawing of Artichoke that made it into the intro of my game "Karambola".

With every fruit-head (or veggie-head), I tried to imagine their character and what was bothering them. There's a full story behind Artichoke here, but perhaps you want to play first to find out yourself?

Play for free:

#art #mastoart #ink #drawing #artichoke #fruitpeople #fruit #veggie #city #worries #indie #indiegame #indiegamedev #gamedev

@agatabednorz Did you know that your account here is accessible not only from other Mastodon instances, but also other parts of the fediverse - such as Pixelfed, which is kinda reminiscent of Instagram?

@praveen Removing /var/lib/alsa/asound.state is not enough, it's going to be recreated on shutdown and applied back on next boot. You need to mask the entire service to get rid of it.

@Thatcaptmickey @darmato That "oh" likely refers to the fact that you can't go see it anymore (it was in theaters only for a week).

@bobiko @bobiko Zależy czego szukasz - myślę, że warto spojrzeć na GoToSocial i, ale sam przyglądałem się raptem kilku pozycjom z tej listy, więc trudno stwierdzić co tam jeszcze ciekawego się chowa 😀

@praveen It's

I'm going to send it upstream soon. If you use the one that's been merged recently you're may have issues when deploying the updated one (needing a manual reset of ALSA controls state)

@bobiko @bobiko Mastodon nie nadaje się do jednoosobowych instancji i raczej wątpię, żeby kiedyś zaczął; na szczęście nie samym mastodonem fediwersum żyje ;)

@dylanvanassche Hah, that page sure would have been handy before! 🤣 L5 UCM is relatively simple though, and I think you have pretty much described everything I know about UCM there already:) Checking the source code was often helpful, like - but a lot of cross-checking with PulseAudio was needed too since not everything is implemented there... (no idea how PipeWire fares in that regard)

@dylanvanassche Hmm, not much that would apply between various devices I'm afraid. I simply spent a lot of time with wm8962 datasheet creating mental image of every single path that's there and how can it be used. In the end it turned out that the patchwork of the UCM that we had there before did some rather questionable things, and that the codec has some handy features I wasn't aware of before :)

Last week an update arrived in PureOS with improvements for call audio. You should be more legible to your interlocutors during calls; also, the phone now automatically switches to external wired microphone once connected. The whole audio path went through a big overhaul, allowing for hardware volume control with zero-cross and reducing unnecessary amplification that could cause distortions.

Haven't seen people complaining about the changes so far - that's a good sign :)

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Librem Social

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