Earlier this year, we sat down with the @fsfe to talk about how the book encourages young readers to explore programming, digital rights, and open-source ethics. Now it's been released as an animated movie. The story centers on a young girl named Ada, who learns about the value of free software to prevent misuse.
📺 Watch the movie here: https://fsfe.org/activities/ada-zangemann//movie
🗞️🎙️ And read the full interview here: https://blog.torproject.org/i-love-free-software-day-interview-fsfe/
Video: #postmarketOS #Phosh on the #PinePhone "Brave Heart" https://yewtu.be/y7hUj6VC_zI
#Scotland does not want to leave the EU,' Scottish minister reacts to U.K. #election #independence #Russell https://fi.invidious.snopyta.org/watch?v=19LeBGJYvyw
#Scotland please come back to #EU soon! ❤️ We miss you! http://yewtu.be/VtgCFPaNcLI
#brexit 😥 why this lies what is the benefit of brexit 😢 very sad the bad populists won against the common sense https://fi.invidious.snopyta.org/watch?v=p-bXt8EewDA
Technology must be designed in an ethical way that respects people's digital rights.
Privacy cannot be an afterthought with room for interpretation by businesses that thrive on exploiting us online.
Privacy must be by design. #dataprivacyday #privacyday https://torproject.org
@purism Customs in europe for receiving #Librem5 are too high! See Reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/Purism/comments/et8lfc/purism_hq_are_you_actively_looking_for_a/ Can you find a reseller e.g. Alternate.co.uk for europa? Please, there are rumors about ~ 150€ ADDITIONAL that's really ramping the price up up up. 😥 I already smell people cancelling the order.
#DietPi why are you packing the #sha256sum inside the arcive? I can not find it anywhere else but i have to say did not search for it very long. Furthermore i could not find a E-Mail to tell you that the sha256sum of DietPi_RPi-ARMv6-Buster.7z did not match the sum INSIDE the Archive 😑 wtf folks get your stuff togeter! ####EDIT: the shasum matched after second download. but where are the sums outside of Archive? On Git?
Monero could use our help! ❤️ Please give some of your #XMR for research of Dr. Sarang Noether for improvements of #Monero 💪 ❤️ https://ccs.getmonero.org/proposals/sarang-2020-q1.html
We are often asked, why does the Librem 5 cost that much? Because we are "Breaking Ground" https://puri.sm/posts/breaking-ground/ https://youtu.be/IQIxr5qcasQ
When you order a #Librem5 you get a #Linux desktop in your pocket and support an #EthicalTech future where our #privacy and data aren't exploited by #BiGTech for profit https://puri.sm/products/librem-5/ #security
RT @eff: Privacy Badger and Firefox observed working together to defend your privacy https://eff.org/pb http://t.co/1tDaubAMya
#purism contributions to #Linux #kernel 5.4 ❤️ 💪 https://puri.sm/posts/purisms-contributions-to-linux-5-4/
Ein Antrag im Kasseler Stadtparlament fordert bei der Neuanschaffung von Software dem Grundsatz “Public Money, Public Code” zu folgen und sich dabei verstärkt auf #FreieSoftware und #OpenSource sowie #OffeneStandards zu konzentrieren.
Um eine Mehrheit zu erreichen brauchen wir eure Hilfe: Überzeugt die Parlamentarier*innen davon für den Antrag zu stimmen. Eine Vorlage findet ihr auf unserer Wiki-Seite: https://wiki.fsfe.org/Activities/ContactingAdministrationsForPMPC
RT @eff: PayPal CEO @Dan_Schulman thinks you don't care about privacy.
But polls and a 28,000-signature petition from Mozilla tell a very…
#Dell hat 12 Laptop Konfigurationen mit #Ubuntu #Linux 18.04 vorinstalliert. Nicht so selbstverständlich für den deutschen Markt. Leider machen sie nicht viel Werbung dafür. Und auch welche im „Volksnotebook“-Preissegment, aber dafür ohne den völkischen Namen. :)
Geklaut auf #Diaspora